6 Replies to “Massive Cover-up of the Most Important Story in America”

  1. It kind of is Trumps fault.. He noticed the problem and had the audacity to build the wall.. A feather in his cap, no brainer win with a project the people could watch in real time.. Start and finish..
    The globalist left lost their scht and went into full WHORE MODE at the border.. Ring the dinner bell.. Call in the NGOs.. Ape some European open border dystopia..

    No feather for Trump.. He broke the number one rule.. Solving measurable problems.. = Hitler..

    1. Remember that the GOP in Congress BLOCKED Trump’s every attempt to fund and erect the wall. Why? Cheap, pliable, labor for the Chamber of Commerce. Why? Because the GOP are equal partners in The Deep State with the Communist Democrat Party.

      And Trump was called a RAYCYST for claiming Nations were “not sending their best to the southern border”. It appears as though TRUTH is RAYCYST. Which is why no news agency will publish the skin color of ANY wanted criminal. We are being LIED-to … HARD … by our political so-called Leaders.

  2. We can all look forward to the next Fraud In Chief, Heels up Harris I really don’t see how Republicans or anyone else are going to stop or outvote the 2024 steal.

    Democrat TV Microsoft Bill Gates NBC is going to shame you and me for believing anything otherwise.

  3. We should not be surprised. I mean, I am surprised. This is huge.
    How could they possibly do this? Are you kidding me? You didn’t think anyone would check?

    But we -shouldn’t- be surprised because they JUST FINISHED DOING IT TO US with Covid, which was much, much worse.

    And they’ve been doing the same thing with guns since the 1960s. A farmer with a Ruger ranch rifle is a danger to society!

    And you know, the Republican candidate and ex-president nearly got shot, twice, had to cancel an election rally in Wisconsin because the Secret Service refused to cover him, and the only thing anyone is talking about is Puff Diddy.

    Oh, and the war in the Middle East is looking to go nuclear between Israel and Iran, but Puff Diddy. Gas light does not begin to cover what this is. Gas -chamber- would be closer.

    1. At this point the Democrat party is pretty much the Iran backed proxy in the United States.

      Leon Panetta squirms every time a newly departed Hezbully gets its 72 Fairfax county Virginians.

      1. You know … it just occurred to me that Israel’s Secret Service must be light years better than the US Secret Service. Netanyahu travels the world … and his ears are completely intact. Despite all the “protests” by “Palestinians” … read; violent agitprop. Not a single unhinged 20 year old or crazed old man have taken up arms and been allowed a cozy snipers nest anywhere near Netanyahu. And I’d wager that Netanyahu is just about as HATED and reviled as Trump.

        Too bad the US government isn’t as competent … and UN compromised … as Israel’s

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