Pipeline, DEI, carbon pricing, gas tax and more for the weekend

Wall Street Journal looks, wrongly, at Trans Mountain Expansion Pipeline and its impacts. There’s a lot wrong in this video. Can you count the ways?

Weekend Watch: Mike Rowe and Victor Davis Hanson on what’s wrong with society, and there’s a lot Highly recommended.

Environment, energy ministers offer Jagmeet Singh a briefing on carbon pricing.  Oh sure, now they tell him about it.

Manitoba government extending gas tax holiday until end of the year Because of course it is. This is the problem with supposed gas tax holidays – you can’t end the holiday.

Indigenous equity ownership saw momentum in 2024, but still more work to do

Top swag of the show: Bravo Target Safety hands out aspirin keychains. With an 18mm culvert in the largest artery of my heart, I grabbed four. Hopefully I’ll never need them.

And just in case you were wondering, Alberta’s power was $0 for almost the entirety of Sept. 27. I’ll write about that next week if I have time.




5 Replies to “Pipeline, DEI, carbon pricing, gas tax and more for the weekend”

  1. It would help a lot if the links from this site always opened in a new tab , or always in the same tab. One or the other and not a random mix.

    Topics open in a new tab often enough that I’m finding that when I have read that page and I have closed the tab, I have actally closed the SDA site.

    If the page default were “new tab’ then SDA would stay open. If “Same tab’, then I’d know to hit ‘back’.

  2. Brian …. I think that “key chain” is actually a time release suppository!!
    You remove the key ring and insert the suppository for instant relief. It won’t hurt since the federal government has been giving it to us up the ass so long and so hard that we are all used to it.

    Hope this helps.

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