17 Replies to ““Truth””

  1. Shovels still on sale at Canadian Tire. And considering the amount of bullshit being shoveled on the topic of “mass Residential School graves” … I recommend that each ?? IBPoC ?? and guilty white woman buy at least TWO shovels!

    1. cmon now sir, get with the program we are all supposed to celebrate Whiny Indian Day, and in commeneration of that Justin is flying off because this incessant apologizing is getting to be way too much for him.
      at least you can celebrate it as I do, and run up the tune ‘Squaws along the Yukon’ in reconciliation…….. because enuff is really getting to be enuff troof

      1. I celebrate by listening to Neil Young sing “Broken Arrow” …
        Yeah … I know how HATED he is here. And his revisionist history lyrics are for simpletons who cannot be bothered to actually READ the TRUE history of Indigenous North Americans. I simply like Young’s music. I know … I know …

        BTW … I have this NYA lp on vinyl … and the Sonics are spectacular!

  2. Man oh man!

    Just wait till Pee-Pee hears about this shit! He’s going to stand up and shout it out: “There ain’t no dead Indian kids in those imaginary graves!”

    Any day now…..

    1. “Just wait till Pee-Pee hears about this shit! He’s going to stand up and shout it out: “There ain’t no dead Indian kids in those imaginary graves!”

      Any day now…..”

      Can you imagine the backlash?

      Of course, a REAL leader wouldn’t care. A REAL leader would simply challenge the shrieking hatemongers with facts and evidence, and invite them to prove him wrong. With facts. And evidence. He would brush off all the accusations of ‘racism’ and ‘denialism’ by responding with something like “Sorry, “Shut up!” is not an argument…what else have you got? Can you refute my facts…YES or NO?”

      A REAL leader wouldn’t be afraid, because he knows that he could not lose that debate.

      Canada needs a REAL leader. 🙁

      1. PP and my MP still support Bull Sh*t and Extortion Day. Not one politician in this country has a spine or testicles. Bernier talks a good game now. He too will fall in line once he can really make a difference.

  3. I am actually kind of in favour of this. My community is near two reserves and most of the people I know here are Metis or status. I was at senior coffee and we had some very cordial and open discussions about what happened in the past, the sixties scoop, the hurt of so many people. Others also expressed the feeling it had become a “let’s all hate whites” day which was actually shocking to some of the treaty and Metis status. They didn’t realize that was how some of us whites were taking it and these individuals assured us no. Every child matters means every child matters including white children. We also discussed oppression Ukrainians face when they came to Canada and what is going on today. The Holocaust came up. Everyone agreed the whole mass graves thing was a lie. It was all very open, honest and I felt healing.

    Now this socialist comes along and such open discussions can never happen again if she gets her way.

  4. I’m in danger of breaking the buttons on my car radio lately, from stabbing them so quickly every time I hear about “A Day to Listen”.

    Really? So, are the natives going to do any of that ‘listening’ themselves?

    (yeah, that’s what I thought…)

  5. Only in Canada does a government funded lobbying industry (the grievance industry) get to have its own banking holiday and it gets away with a perfectly Orwellian name of “Truth and Reconciliation” which is actually “allegation and divisiveness”. A poverty pimping NDP MP wants to make it illegal to actually speak the truth about their most recent prop.

  6. Truth is the basis of trust. Absolute truth agreed upon by all parties. Without truth, there can be no reconciliation. And right now, we are being lied to, again and again and again. We are being slandered without proof. So why reconcile when the party that controls the narrative won’t do the work to find out the truth?

    Even God will not reconcile with individuals until they acknowledge the truth through confession. And He already knows what is true and what is false. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. But there is no confession here, no willingness to establish the facts therefore there can be no reconciliation or healing. There is just an appeal to perceived guilt.

  7. Darn. I have two orange T shirts that I bought in Florida (oranges being honoured). I was planning to wear them Sunday and Monday as a matter of course but then realized it was B.S.I. Day. Forgetaboutit! (I sure most of you can figure out what B.S.I Day stands for.)

  8. Her justification for such legislation: We already have laws against holocaust denialism. This proposed legislation would merely extend that prohibition to denying the “genocide” of indigenous children.


    The insinuation, of course, is equating morally priests and nuns, not to mention clergy of other faiths who ran these schools on behalf of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, with Nazis!!!

    And this socialist sees nothing wrong with that? Well, I take offense at that justification, and moral equivalence.

    Think of where these tribes would be if not for the influence of the Europeans who came over and ‘colonized’ the lands. Many indigenous families sent their kids to these schools, because they recognized the benefit these schools offered the community, and this is how these dedicated servants of Christ are treated by these people!

    As an aside, I’m wondering what CFL officials will be wearing during Thanksgiving weekend. What a joke the CFL has become!!!

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