Tax Me Harder!

It’s too bad that the Conservatives continue to remain largely silent on the critical issue of repealing Justin’s capital gains tax hikes. The impact is far from trivial.

Based on conventional assumptions that an increase in the tax-inclusive cost of capital by 10 percent causes the capital stock to fall by 7 percent, I estimate that Canada’s capital stock would fall by $127 billion. Employment would permanently decline by 414,000. To put this in terms of its impact on unemployment, the capital gains tax hike would increase unemployment from 1.5 to 1.9 million Canadian workers as of August 2024. GDP will fall by almost $90 billion and real per capita GDP by 3 percent.


4 Replies to “Tax Me Harder!”

  1. Haha. “Conservatives” Canada has 3 or 4 parties that are all communist grifters to varying degrees.

    Any party that supports a tax on income (whatever the mode of theft) is a commie. “From each according to ability, to each according to need”: Every party in Canada.

    The fact that we’ve all been brainwashed from birth to think otherwise does not make it untrue.

  2. Our conservatives in this country will complain about the media in the morning, but they are afraid to say anything of substance in the afternoon because they are afraid to be labeled by that same media as mean or “far right”.

    They are mostly cowards.

  3. Perhaps, just perhaps, in that uneasy period before an election there is little to be gained from manoeuvring in front of your enemy. The Conservatives are working a plan that appears to be more effective than their opponent.

    Does introducing a new variable before it’s required really help? Does changing a simple and clear message really help?

    When an election is called and the clock starts to tick, that’s when their platform can be dissected.

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