The Censorship Industrial Complex

Climategate was the moment they tipped their hand.

The censorship mechanisms we now see on a daily basis in our Google searches, wildly one-sided “news” coverage, and the consolidation of speech codes into full-fledged and sometimes violent censorship on campuses across the nation are the outgrowth of U.S. State Department censorship programs enacted in 2016 after a new bubble of worldwide populism erupted. It marked the point when all of the mechanisms the U.S. employed against our enemies were turned on the American people. […]

in this interview [Mike Benz is] given the time (nearly three hours) to explain the construction of the apparatus that American taxpayers pay for and are victimized by.

8 Replies to “The Censorship Industrial Complex”

    1. If anything, google nowadays keeps you from finding the content/answers you want. The exact opposite of what you come there to do. Especially anything political slightly to the right of Pol Pot. I hate it.

  1. I remember at one point maybe 15 years ago where google had a “blogs” search feature wherein you could look for content/topics that was just covered by blogs. I used it frequently and then one day – poof! – it was gone. No explanation, no nothing. It was then that I knew something was rotten in Denmark.

    “Don’t be evil”. What a laugh. Run by communists for communists and their satanic/anti-western civilization agenda. Musk needs to create a search engine – stat! Perhaps he already has this in the works, but is keeping his powder dry for now.

    1. TC

      When it comes to search engines…what’s out there are all pretty much the same as far as I can see. When Elon brings one out, & I fervently hope he does (he has mentioned it..?), as well as his Tesla Phone, I’m pretty sure both entities would go Ultra Viral In sales.

      BTW is the U-Tube Deal for real..??

      1. “BTW is the U-Tube Deal for real..??”

        I’m sorry steakman, but what are you referring to here? You’ll have to be patient with me, I smoked a little too much weed back in high school..

  2. Mike Benz is consistently worth the time to listen to. Not many have the 3 hours to hear a tale, and I do ffd through sections of anyone’s podcast, the X/Twittersphere doesn’t have a New York Times (the left’s, and not my paper of record) where you can simply read through it and get the gist of what’s going on in the world.

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