11 Replies to “Today In Eco-Terrorism”

  1. Not that soup dumpers are good people, but they would be less violent than many of the new liberal voters being invited in by Justin Trudeau. I also think they would not be rapists.

    Diversity is our strength.

  2. ‘2 years for throwing soup’
    well its what they threw it AT and the DAMAGE
    still minimizing the offense
    ps how was the soup produced? was a single *molecule* of oil involved?

  3. Activism itself belongs in jail .. Freedom to harass, disrupt and destroy?.. But don’t think the government has changed its tune.. NO, they fear losing elections.. Its just optics to put you back to sleep..


  4. Speaking of eco-loons, when I informed many people that last year’s numerous fires in Eastern Canada were caused by arson, I just got blank looks. Such a revelation went against their MSM NPC Programming so their brains froze.

  5. Good. Now do some of the natives when they illegally blockade roads or rail lines, and the Jew-haters who illegally occupy universities.

  6. Two eco-loons sent to jail…

    – In the words of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, “So sad, so terribly sad. I like monkeys!”

    – In the words of Jeremy Clarkson, ” – Oh no! Anyway…”

    – In my words? ” – YAY!!! Eco-loons are NEVER sent to jail! ESPECIALLY not in Europe – well, now they are. This presages a trend, fellow listeners – I’m willing to bet that after this, it’ll become an increasingly popular pastime among judges everywhere.

    ” – BUT WE’RE JUST TRYING TO SAAAAAVE THE EARTH!!!” “Well that’s good, that’s very good – please continue trying to save it while you’re in jail, okay?”

  7. Maybe, just to boost their eco-lefty-woke credentials even further, they’ll get to share their cells with ‘Trans women’.

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