6 Replies to “When You Lose SNL”

    1. Precisely Art…

      It’s my belief that the teleprompter was in fact the ex President. Behind it, Obama was running the show. Like Trudeau, the absolute worst thing to happen In America.

      1. As far as true American traitors are concerned, Barry Soetoro, who became Muslim in Indonesia when he was just a boy, who was mentored by a communist on an FBI watchlist that happened to be his real biological father; Frank Marshall Davis, who happened to be a sex pervert, who seduced his own son into homosexuality…I can go on and on about Obama: the king of American traitors that has inflicted the most damage to the Republic.

        Don’t believe me about Hussein’s background?…you need to find and watch « Dreams of my real father »

  1. They didn’t really ‘make him’ because they had no mechanism of doing so. It was all pressure and suasion and thank God it worked.

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