Democracy In Action

Blacklock’s- Resigned To Foreign Donors

Voters are resigned to illegal foreign money influencing federal elections, says in-house research by Elections Canada.

Perrault acknowledged illegal foreign financing was possible. The Commission has evidence Chinese Communist Party agents funnelled $250,000 in illegal cash contributions to 11 “pro-China” politicians in 2019. The candidates were not named.


Blacklock’s- Surveillance Of Ex-Legislator

“A former parliamentarian is suspected of having worked to influence parliamentary business on behalf of a foreign government,” said a July 8 security memo by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

The other cases in the list of six were: “Pakistan officials attempted to clandestinely influence Canadian federal politics,” “India is suspected of leveraging proxy agents to clandestinely provide financial support to specific candidates from three political parties,” “a foreign government official is suspected of foreign interference that resulted in a briefing to a secretly-cleared representative of the Liberal Party shortly before the 2021 election,” “a foreign government undertook several actions including interference to reduce the likelihood of a specific Liberal candidate being elected” and “a foreign government activity supported an individual’s 2019 federal nomination race in Don Valley North through the use of a proxy agent.”

9 Replies to “Democracy In Action”

  1. The Magical American Negro himself interfered/influenced – and I doubt for free – by opening his sanctimonious piehole on at least one occasion.
    Lots of Mercan NGO’s do all kinds of stuff.
    And who gives a shit?
    Fully 50% of Hoser citizens are commie fcks and just want One Party Rule anyway.

  2. Yes, Canadian’s aren’t entitled to the truth. These criminal politicians who represent us must be protected.

    Is this not a criminal offense? If we know who they are where are the charges?

    How far into the Bongs cabinet does this extend? All the way to the Bong hizself?

  3. Given current immigration trends we’re not far from the day when the Indians and the Chinese are fighting each other over control of their Canadian colonies. None of this really matters anymore. The future has been cast by immigration policy, and we’re not part of it.

  4. “Communist Party agents funnelled $250,000 in illegal cash contributions to 11 “pro-China” politicians in 2019”

    The first 2 on the list should be fairly obvious, how about the other 9?

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