Is John Kerry an un-American Totalitarian Thug or Just Really Stupid?

What’s the penalty for a government employee to violate the civil rights of American citizens?

Tim Pool has thoughts.

18 Replies to “Is John Kerry an un-American Totalitarian Thug or Just Really Stupid?”

  1. If he truly believes in climate change and not faking it, he’s truly stupid, otherwise he’s one of the world’s biggest lying salesman of a product designed for mass control thus totalitarianism.

  2. wellllllll j k, it is ALSO a MAJOR BLOCK to the *suppression of the truth*.
    there are costs to expressing and spreading truth as well j k.

    1. Add Pete Rose to the reason I detest MLB and all the self-righteous stuffed shirts who looked the other way when steroids were setting home run records … but threw the book at Pete Rose for betting on baseball. And what is the over-under on the TX Rangers winning the World Series this year? Funny … I can easily bet on that prop now that MLB have embraced sports betting.

      MLB is a JOKE. A JOKE because they’ve barred Pete Rose from being enshrined in the HOF during his life. FU MLB … FU … you drive me away from the game

  3. I look at Kerry and I can’t help but think about what our late friend Wayne Gyde said about John Tory: “I couldnt vote for an arsehole who wears a dead cat on his head.”

  4. Back in the early 1900’s they treated migraines by putting a metal vase over the head of the patient and whacking it with a hammer. Doctors (experts) claimed it worked. A layman claiming it was idiocy at the time would have been spreading disinformation per John Kerry.

    This focus and obsession on “disinformation” is two things:
    1. Projection of the left
    2. The left shoring up one of their own weakness…dishonesty.

  5. The idea that this event in NC and TN would have been one iota different had we not been around is both unprovable and ridiculous. The only “disinformation” is the constant flow of suggestions that we are responsible for weather disasters that are identical in scope to weather disasters in every previous century. For example, Galveston TX was wiped out by a hurricane in 1900. Natchez was levelled by a tornado in 1840. I would go back further but there are no written records.

    I guess that’s what they want to return to, no written records.

  6. I recall him saying that he was one of the “chosen” at a recent WEF shindig.
    I guess that makes him “both/and”.
    Why do these old cretins abide?
    Demon powered, or what?
    Hell is empty.

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