Let Us Remember

Hymie Rubenstein- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation delegitimizes truth. So do attempts to criminalize “residential school denialism”

Today is Canada’s “National Day for Truth and Reconciliation,” a statutory holiday in many parts of the country.

A growing cohort of informed Canadians will see this day as one of countless federal government virtue signaling-cum-propaganda efforts meant to obscure, deny, or hide the truth about our country’s interaction with its indigenous people, notably the role played in this interaction by the Indian Residential Schools, a noble albeit flawed and occasionally harmful effort to help Canada’s first settlers adapt to the challenges of a rapidly modernizing country, an effort the historical record shows indigenous people and their leaders strongly embraced.

14 Replies to “Let Us Remember”

  1. A perfect holiday from The State of Thuggery.
    No truth.
    No reconciliation.
    George Orwell would be proud,these minions used 1984 as an instruction manual.
    Right down to Government Issue “Double Speak”.

    The question every apologist refuses to answer..
    “Whose rules shall we use?”
    Those of a defeated people?
    Which consisted of ;”Me wants me takes” if I can get away with doing so.
    Or British Common Law,how ever poorly applied.

    As for the abuse of these defeated peoples?
    The Canadian Apartheid System is chugging right along,instituted and enshired by Liberals for decades..
    What a lovely grift.

    1. We should have conquered them like the Spaniards did. Up to now there were very few issues in Latin America with whiney natives. White libtards have been trying to stir the pot without much success.

  2. I entered Bull Sh*t and Extortion (uncensored) into Duck Duck Go and it all came up with Federal Gov BS Propaganda about Whiney Indian Day. I haven’t tried Google or Bing though.

    1. I’ll have to remember that name for it. I’ve been calling it “racist liars day”, but yours has more kick. When someone looks shocked at my use of those terms, I ask if they’ve heard about the (fed paid for) excavations to properly bury the remains from the mass Graves. That found no bodies or remains to rebury. So they kept the money and are being quiet about it.

  3. The Lieberal government and their activist allies use the “National Day for Truth and Reconciliation,” to work against any chance of either truth or reconciliation. We have a statutory holiday dedicated to promoting racial division and false accusations.

  4. I look at it as a reward for incompetence holiday. The government has made a complete hash of things particularly native and so gave itself a pat on the back for doing such a lousy job. Typical.

  5. I agree with Rubenstein. The delegitimized truth extends to the Missing/Murdered Indigenous Women, the 60s Scoop, the Unmarked Graves etc etc.

    No reconciliation until both sides start with the truth.

  6. Let’s never forget, that not ONE body/skeletal remains have been unearthed, despite the widescale, hyperbolic propaganda of the LIEberals, ENDP, the media, and of course, the Abos themselves.
    Even the Kamloops band on Turtle Island has backed off of their previous incendiary language, not that they are repentant about their propaganda.
    Sorry, Not participating or even acknowledging BANG A DRUM day.
    We’re going to Costco for a Tube Steak, then back home for a glass of wine!

  7. Orange Shirt Story is yet another Indigenous falsehood, part of a pattern that increasingly reveals “Indigenous knowings” as fictional and “Indigenous knowledge keepers” as fake horror stories peddlers.

    -Hymie Rubenstein Editor of REAL Indigenous Report and a retired professor of anthropology, University of Manitoba.

  8. Once we legitimized “holocaust denialism” as a crime, we legitimized the same treatment of all of human history. Open for debate is which historical event it will be illegal to talk about next.

    1. I’m waiting to see what happens with wheels and arches constructed in a regime that directs, by statute, that the value of Pi shall be 3.

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