Safe and Effective®

Blacklock’s- Face Years Of Vax Hearings

“There are over 350 religious accommodation grievances currently active with the Board,” wrote Christopher Rootham, arbitrator with the Board. “Arbitration hearings dealing with similar policies in the private or broader public sector have tended to last two days, sometimes followed by written submissions.”

“Therefore scheduling an oral hearing for every religious accommodation case would amount to an impossible burden for the employer, for the bargaining agents and the Board,” wrote Rootham. Future cases will be determined through written submissions, he said.

6 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

  1. So the plan is to ignore what the law calls for, in order to “speed things up”?

    Every one of those grievers should file at complaint at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal against the board for religious descrimination

  2. Imagine if there were 12000 cases which had made submissions against the jab mandate.

    How about if there were 144,000? if they all can’t be heard, I’m going to assume the law is an ass, and should never have been, simply based on the inability of the overseers to accommodate dissent.

    So screw them. Yes, I’m serious.

    1. What if those with grievances demand the gov’t cover the costs of a submission as well?

      You know, like with various land claims, and then a firm like “Merchant Law” for example, decides that in order for justice to be served, they’ll negotiate until the cows come home in 2042?

      With costs…

      What if these moneys were to be paid out from the pension funds of the overseers and media groups which sought to override all sense of dignity and freedom of expression, freedom to gather peacefully… the very foundational texts of our garbage and near worthless constitution?

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