6 Replies to “We Can Rebuild Him”

  1. This individual is so disturbed that he has even a distorted view of what femininity entails. There are a great many women 5’7” and more. Some of the worlds most beautiful women, models, exceed that height. Gender confusion is one thing but this man has lost any connection to reality. Let’s hope that there are no surgeons out there so lacking in ethics that they would indulge this fantasy. And there is certainly no obligation on the part of the publicly funded health care system to accede to this. He needs help but it is psychiatric help not surgical.

  2. I too would be happy to be 5’5″ but at 5’0″ I have accepted that my height is not going to change and apart from having to get my skirts and trousers shortened, not that big a deal. What’s wrong with 5’7″? Does this person realize that the minimum height for high fashion models is 5’8″?

  3. At the bottom of FAQ’s the good folks in Turkey state the possibility of combined surgeries, perhaps I could have the excess height removed from my limbs, and added to my butt, I presume if it was spread out a little bit it might be just the thing to have prior to going downtown. I know butt augmentation surgery has a bit of a dark history in Turkey as of late but *I feel* that if it was the fabric of my own being simply being moved within me there’d be far fewer complications, and it’d be a nice birthday gift to myself. My ex-wife once said I have a “pretty good butt” already and I *just feel* a couple of touch ups would be the thing.
    marc in calgary.

    *my oldest daughter is just under 5.8 and is the actual embodiment of perfection, so I think this character is wrestling with “other issues” which won’t be addressed by simply reducing his height.

    *his height.

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