11 Replies to “Winds Of Change?”

  1. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next.
    The rest of the parties have vowed to not join the Freedom Party in coalition.

    The will of the people be damned.

    1. That’s the part that gets me. “We are beholden to these other groups and will not work with this one…” Then what’s the point in voting for you when I could have voted for one of the others, you said you were different from them!

    1. You neglected to mention that the “left one” was 1 foot to the left of Johnny’s actual knee. Meaning everything that could hurt Johnny was “on the right”.

  2. Notice how the labels come out with no specific policies listed to back those labels up.
    Why don’t you tell us what their platform and policies are, instead of simply smearing?
    Maybe because specifics such as “Forget the Green Fallacies – give the people and economy reliable power” or “Don’t open the border to millions of undocumented unskilled migrants who don’t have any intention of assimilating or contributing” would lead people to say “Mmmmmm…that actually sounds pretty normal for a country. At least, it was normal until a few years ago.”
    But, as in North America, it is easier for low intelligence lefties (I repeat myself, I know) to smear.
    Because that’s all they have.

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