Criminalizing Science Fraud

Glenn Reynolds;

We’ve seen the way that the scientific establishment went after purveyors of entirely scientific doubts about Covid policy, cancelling those it could and censoring those it couldn’t cancel. The venality, dishonesty, and sheer lust for power and control that marked the Covid response – together with a deeply unimpressive record of actually getting the science right themselves – suggests that our science authorities are not to be trusted with policing science fraud, particularly as they’re often purveyors of fraudulent science themselves.

Yet there really is a problem. Science currently faces a “replication crisis.” in which vast numbers of published results don’t hold up when examined. Whole disciplines (*cough* social psychology *cough*) are so riddled with fraud as to be useless. And the public’s faith in science, which the “fraudbusters” of ORI were trying to preserve, has taken an enormous hit as a result.

Well, every successful system accumulates parasites, and American science has been enormously successful. But now it has accumulated a parasitic load that is rendering it weak and sick. So what do we do?

7 Replies to “Criminalizing Science Fraud”

  1. Reynolds list of “suggested solutions” are a great idea.

    Do the researchers still keep the tax credits or grants they’ve spent?
    Their “positions” at universities, the faculty spiffs…

    When will we have the conversation of Burundi covid and jab deaths?

    1. When the TDSB had to fire their unqualified Education Director, they claimed it was too difficult to recover his wages that were paid to him under false pretenses as a result of his plagiarism.

      They would probably claim the same here.

    1. Exactly, not only is it over-funded but virtually all of the funding comes from a captured and pseudo-science corrupted and weaponized state through their monopoly guild socialism domesticated “professions”.

  2. FUNDING, I don’t think that word means what you think it does. Scientists are bought and paid for, not funded. And the leftist media is also bought and paid for, and the CUCKservatives are useless cowardly jackA$$’.

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