Orange Flame Day

Via Jonathan Kay: This deserves to be in the first paragraph of Justin Trudeau’s political obituary. He went all in on the 215-bodies social panic so that he could take maudlin teddy-bear selfies and win an election. His defining disgrace.

15 Replies to “Orange Flame Day”

  1. thank you for that link sda.
    by exquisite coincidence my hard core quebecer liberal tenant came by my room with a qustion so l pointed to the map and demanded to know what the prime minister is DOING about this plague of arson.

    1. addendum
      just[inTURDeau] called local lieberal mp demanding to know what their doing about this plague of arson that early on the crime minister dismissed as (quote) “understandable”

      at their advice l sent contact info and the link in an email.

      l expect total silence. isnt that right Turdy?

  2. Didn’t Mr. Kay ghostwrite Justin’s autobiography?

    Is he having buyer’s remorse on his old Selwyn House mate?

  3. And every year we now get a national holiday to remind the natives how oppressed they are and to remind them to light more churches on fire.

  4. Look on the bright side, once the Lib-Dippers pass a bill criminalizing residential school denialism, we won’t have to listen to thought-criminals like Kay anymore and we can all enjoy the “understandable” church fires as the wondrous reconciliation proceeds unburdened by settler-colonizer obsessions with nonsense like evidence, due process, or freedom of speech.

  5. 112 church arson fires. Wow! There must be dozens of arsonists arrested and serving time in Canadian prisons … Right? Surely the fine people of the RCMP have solved all or nearly all of these church burnings? I’m sure it’s been made a high priority crime, Right? Equal zeal to that of “black” churches burned in America … Right?

  6. If our apartheid nation had the similar demographic ratio as South Africa it would be tire necklaces instead of churches being burned. The last thing our reconciliation pimps of the grievance industry want is an end to apartheid. They want to invert it rather than eliminate it. Equality before the law is not in their vocabulary.

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