13 Replies to “War On Meat”

  1. Bill numering gives clue: its C-293. Bill numbers 2 to 200 indicate a government House bill while 201 to 1,000 signify a private member’s bill. This is a private member’s bill, and those mostly (mostly) go nowhere. So its concerning, but not hair-on-fire concerning.

    1. except of course, the liberal party of canada is proposing this and is in power, so more likely than not that it is approved.

        1. The bill’s sponsor is one Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, MP for Beaches-Woodbine. He’s already announced that he won’t be seeking re-election. It’s not because he will lose the riding: Beaches-Woodbine typically has majorities of 20,000 socialists voting Lib or Dip.

    2. How about the private members bill from quebekkie that deals with supply management? It sailed through the House and now sits in the Senate with a threat to the libranos that if it is not passed by month end it triggers a confidence motion.

    3. Quite right, Kelly. Private members bills never go anywhere. At most what can happen is that the government picks them up and reintroduces them as federal legislation.

  2. Man oh man! Just wait till Ontario’s farm organizations hear about this! There’ll be blood on the streets! Their own blood.

    From crawling on their hands and knees to beg turdo and Blubber douggie for some kind of compensation package.

  3. always the sneakiness. twas ever thus with the pollllitiSHUNS
    gawd l detest that sector. the more narcissistic the more power they go after:
    l present the TURDeau.

  4. The type of people attracted to political or bureaucratic power are pathologically driven to control how others live their lives. This is a perfect example of elected Jacobins and Bolsheviks. The melding of projected altruism and “legal” compulsion of the state all justified as for the “common good”.

  5. Why would a pandemic cause the government to want to limit meat consumption? Are they suggesting there is a link between meat and the covid virus? Would it not make more sense to encourage people to source their food locally including meat? This could lower any cross-country contamination – not saying the virus originated from or was even created in – China. Why not limit overseas travel and immigration? If your interest lies in stopping or limiting another pandemic?

  6. John C: “The melding of projected altruism and “legal” compulsion of the state all justified as for the “common good”.”

    The trouble, John, is that the “common good” is uncommon. What floats one man’s boat is anathema to two or three others.

    The “common good” is a sacred talisman used by those bureaucrats and politicians you described to hide behind.

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