What? I Wasn’t Listening

Blacklock’s- Gov’t Was Warned 163 Times

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other federal officials were warned 163 separate times of foreign interference over a six-year period, China inquiry records show. Trudeau as late as 2023 denied he was ever told of illegal activity by foreign agents.

The 163 meetings covered the period from August 1, 2018 to March 15, 2024. “This list does not include additional ad hoc meetings that may have occurred,” said the document. “These are planned formal briefings.”

21 Replies to “What? I Wasn’t Listening”

  1. I doubt that any of the #Librano caucus doesn’t know who the famous 11 are, and if they’re keeping this a secret at the demand of their Turd leadership, then they’re all in on the game, all 153 of them are in on this.

    I’d lump the bilingual Governor-General, and the entirety of the misrepresentative Senate in on this too.
    Who has the best hospitality suite? It’s those guys.

    1. “I doubt that any of the #Librano caucus doesn’t know who the famous 11 are, and if they’re keeping this a secret at the demand of their Turd leadership, then they’re all in on the game, all 153 of them are in on this.”

      Is Pierre Poilievre not bringing this up *every day* in the House of Commons? He must be, right? How can the government keep stonewalling for so long…where are the NDP and the Bloc?

  2. I don’t know why Trudeau is so reticent about taking on the issue of foreign interference. Whatever the extent of the problem, it’s an important issue that needs looking at. Even people not prone to paranoia wonder what he’s trying to hide.

    1. “I don’t know why Trudeau is so reticent about taking on the issue of foreign interference. ”

      Seriously? You don’t know? Not even an educated guess?

    2. Well he’s not trying to hide that he’s a communist.
      He’s not trying to hide that he believes in One Party Rule – his.
      He’s not trying to hide that he admires the Chicoms.
      He’s not trying to hide that he – because he’s so bloody ignorant – believes in a command economy.
      He’s not trying to hide that he approves of cheating to win a vote.
      He’s not trying to hide that he wants to be adored as only a Dear Leader can be.
      He’s not trying to hide that he has no ethics, is a moral relativist – at best – or that he’s a fcking liar.
      So yeah, I also wonder what he’s trying to hide.

      1. Yes. You and me and maybe five percent of Canadians have figured that out. He’s doing his best to hide it from the rest. And it’s working.

        And, you can add this to your long list: turdo and his Ivory Tower Trash have invested big time in Chicomm Land.

  3. In the idiot’s defence, he probably doesn’t know what the hell it means. 75% if women will vote for him because of the hair.
    Will that take him over to win?

  4. The Trudeau Liberals have seven main modes for avoiding accountability for their numerous scandals :

    1-blame someone else


    3-hide all relevant documents behind cabinet confidentiality, national security or trade secrets

    4- appoint a Trudeau friendly committee or special rapporteur to whitewash the scandal

    5-plead ignorance

    6-get Liberal paid/friendly media to stop reporting about a scandal or not report on the scandal at all

    7- create a distraction by either the government or their paid media launching an absurd accusation about the conservative party.

    By using these weasel tactics, the Liberal government has not taken responsibility for any of their incompetence or corruption.

  5. The Spawn has a compliant media so he will obfuscate, ignore and deny and it will all go away. PP should immediately get rid of anyone in his caucus that’s tainted in this. “Everybody does it” is not acceptable and if just one Con is tainted, that’s the media story.

  6. If he (and his Staff of Assholes) try to get the Attorney General to change her mind 49 times and he says that’s false, or that he never took a gift he didn’t deserve, or that he isn’t on a 24-7-365 Liberal Election Campaign with Federal money, you’ve got to believe him.
    Why would this be any different?

  7. When Jason Kenney came back to Alberta after being a cabinet minister in the Harper government he told the story of the Bong attending committee meetings. The libranos were in opposition at the time and Bongo sat on one of Jason’s committees. He said the Bong would show up never having read the material and was always completely unprepared.

    So, yeah, it’s believable that after 163 briefings the Bong has never heard of the issue…

  8. Sure, the Chicoms are interfering with arm twisting and shipping voters around, the Yanks are interfering with having Yank-money shipped to various NGOs here in Canada to give the impression that grass-roots Canadians are worried about one faux crisis or another. On top of that is the Big Ukie Lobby and the WEF grifters hanging around, and actually in, Parliament.
    But here is what worries me about who and what drives policy in Canada: Those politicians that genuflect and pay obeisance to all things Israel. It is quite repulsive and childish. You don’t see this happening with any other country. Israel is a grown up state and can take care of itself. It plays bang-bang games and gets bang-bang responses. So be it. It is none of our business. We have our own problems and we need Canadian politicians to be 100 percent focused on it. Any Canadian politicians who give more than a polite diplomatic nod or those politicians that have dual (or more) citizenship should be banned from politics at any level of government.

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