8 Replies to “Best Healthcare System In The World”

  1. Although the article doesnt mention it, a portion of those elevated statistics can be attributed to nurses who were terminated and/or resigned because of the health care systems and union reponses to the Wuhan flu.

  2. It’s a politically maintained monopoly with a toxic work environment and no legal alternative sources of employment for those unwilling to submit to unions, bureaucrats, politicians, and corrupted professional governing bodies. All bureaucracies suffer from some of that, some better than others, but the health care monopoly in Canada is systemically irreformable.

  3. Given that the last time I was in the ER the nurses damn near killed me via their neglect and incompetence, this is a “let them fight” situation.

  4. If they were trained in 2022, the vast majority would still be in their mid twenties. Either this statistic is misquoted, contains a serious typo, is pure cattlepoop, or is deliberately seeking to mislead.

  5. My ex-wife graduated #1 in her class from SAIST, with 5 kids (and me!) having taken the year off between year 1 and year 2 as she was carrying twins, then carried another into year 2 who was born a couple of months after her graduation.
    After working in a few clinics, and then the hospital cancer wards, she realised she was spending more time in a toxic workplace making notes on what she’d been doing at work, complying with non patient issues, and not really nursing anymore.

    Then quit, and let her nursing license lapse as she wasn’t returning, ever.
    This was prior to the Covid fiasco, she’d have quit on the spot with the rest of the #pureblood folks seeing the crap the governments, the hospital districts, and the unions imposed upon their workers.

    The year she graduated with her class, the only nurses who found work in hospitals were the ones who moved to Houston Texas, and South Carolina, about the same time (mid 1990’s?) as the nurse training was cancelled for a couple of years in Manitoba as “nobody needed nurses” and they were tired of training them for other jurisdictions. Curious how that same thought doesn’t transfer to any of the woke culture idiocies being taught now, “nobody NEEDS a woke culture anthropologist” it seems, but there they are.

  6. Vastly more chiefs than indians,all blithering idiots who bark orders at the few productive workers..
    Gee I cannot understand why staff retention could be such a problem..
    The Health Care System cares nothing for the patients,most nurses do care ..An inherent conflict with no resolution is sight..
    I am actually surprised the number of escapees is so low.

    There is no room in a bureaucracy for compassion..
    Standard Operating Procedures are written to punish nurse care personnel who show any decency..
    Everything Government touches turns to SHIT.

    Strangely I am encouraged by the sanity shown by so many formerly idealistic young people.

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