Diversity Is Our Strength

York Regional Police- Due to increased tensions in the Middle East and as we approach the one-year anniversary of the events of October 7, 2023,
@YRP is deploying two command posts and additional patrols to ensure our community remains safe and secure.

Beginning October 2, 2024, officers will conduct increased foot and mobile patrols near faith-based institutes, schools and community centres.

Additionally, officers will be available at two command posts operating in the community from October 4 to 8, 2024, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

10 Replies to “Diversity Is Our Strength”

  1. Beginning October 2, 2024, officers will conduct increased foot and mobile patrols near faith-based institutes, schools and community centres.


    Let me clarify. Officers will conduct increased foot and mobile patrols near Jewish based institutes, Jewish schools and Jewish community centers. Apparently, specificity based on historical behavior is racist…or something.

  2. Further clarification. Adherents of the religion of peace celebrate the anniversary of the masacre and mass rape of Jews by murdering and raping more Jews.

  3. “Jaffari Community Centre, 9000 Bathurst Street (10/7)”

    I wonder why they selected that location, on that date, for the location of the mobile command centre?

    seems like an odd choice, given who was the aggressor on October 7th

    There also doesn’t seem to be much of interest around Bathurst Street and Clark Avenue, unless they are expecting some action at Pierre Idiot Trudeau park.

  4. foot patrols bla bla bla.
    so, like, what? the ones on foot are the ones to first stand around their cop thumb up their cop ass?

  5. Oh, so the Command Centre is open from 9 to 5 eh. I’m sure it will be cleared out by 4:30 at the latest. That should give the Palis a couple hours of daylight to hunt down Jews.

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