7 Replies to “Juan Valdez Will Be Looking For Work”

  1. Yes, because lab-grown vaccines for lab-grown viruses worked great. What the hell happened to the anti-GMO lobby?
    Bought out I’m guessing.

    1. Really! Shouldn’t Coffee Extinction Rebellion be chaining themselves across the fjords of Finland or something?

  2. Think about something for a second. If there wasn’t this constant alarm sounding of “climate change”, do you think Dr. Rischer would have received that nice lucrative grant money to grow coffee in a bioreactor. Or do you think he would have gotten the ole’ “Why the hell do you want to do that?” response.

    It’s often easy to overlook the primary motivation of the Anthropomorphic Climate Change apparatus. That being money. But, this is a good example.

  3. Live better chemically. Still “establishing cell cultures to alter its aroma in the roasting process”
    has interesting possibilities.
    And coffee is scheduled to take a big jump in price owing to droughts.

    The French take aromas seriously:
    Perfume The Story of a Murderer (2006) Theatrical Trailer

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