20 Replies to “The Brainwashed Masses”

  1. The “first nations” people were nomads, ie, just passing through, so they have no inherent claim to the lands. My ancestors settled on the prairie and stayed put. (and have the land titles to prove ownership). The so called natives exchanged their squatting for F150’s, ATV’s, snowmobiles and rifles.

  2. Those that enthusiastically and religiously do land acknowledgements along with those crippled with cultural Marxism from the miseducation complex are all plagued with Stockholm syndrome courtesy of the grievance industry. Those who consider themselves as settlers are the Eloi and willing slaves to the guilt merchants strengthening and inverting apartheid.

    1. the Siberians who call themselves first nations should actually be called first extorsionists. It is a never ending grift.

  3. second last paragraph…
    “What’s next in terms of Canadian identity? “Ideally there needs to be some reflection from the academy and some policymakers as to why this framing of Canada doesn’t resonate with the majority,” says Jewab.”

    This reads like the media is looking to ramp up terming us as “settlers” which is the same word Israel’s people are viewed as by their surrounding terrorists, as a means of marginalising those who actually built the country. It sounds like something those within the #Librano caucus would plant in the media in return for their $xxx millions of tax credits, in return for more tax credits (which the MSM have recently requested)

    If I could choose the adjective the media refers to me as, I’ll go with “conquerer” and leave “settler” in the ditch.

    1. Agreed, this is intended to be entirely derogatory, but a bit more than that. If it doesn’t ‘resonate’ with the majority, then the academic framing is simply wrong and so are their media enablers.

  4. native bands should start demanding $10,000 per head of any new settler that comes in to Canada starting right now.

  5. So academia is finally realizing that there is so shit so stupid that only an academic could believe it?
    Truth,without truth.
    Reconciliation to blatant lies.
    Prattling nitwits attempting to pin idiotic labels on tax payers.
    And finally they sense,or begin to sense,that the citizen ain’t buying it..
    Panic will set in.
    Quick Declare an emergency.

    Expect greater sensorship and “hate Crime” laws.

    What will be next?
    Will Academia and our freeloading minions embrace their true title?
    The Parasitic Overload.

  6. Being a native of North Western Ontario. To be exact I was born in Marathon Ontario. I would like to ask the perpetual whiners. How did you compensate the people you pushed out?

    1. They get real annoyed when you point out that the reserves were put in place after the Whites settled the area. Pic was settled and got reserve status after Heron Bay was used as a shipping point and rail junction.

      Mobert was settled and got reserve status after they were kicked out of Pic for being trouble makers.

      Notice how some of the tribes ended up with good hunting/fishing after they drove the Cree a couple of hundred miles north.

  7. Let’s see… Father born in continental Europe, mother born in Saskatchewan, wife is status Indian.
    What does that make our children?
    Why on earth would they agree with being labelled “settlers” or “colonists”?
    These academics are so deeply immersed in their own BS that their foreheads are brown. Axe the funding for their concocted divisive grievance-mongering, and make them get real jobs… if they have any marketable skills.

  8. Anybody who doesn’t like us here, can make they case as long as they first give up all the things we brought, starting with the wheel, then modern medicine including antibiotics, indoor plumbing, electricity, motors, etc.

  9. I was born here so I’m a native. If people call me a settler, then I insist that all peoples here are settlers. The indigenous tribes did not originate here, they migrated to this continent and settled here. They are, at most, first settlers.

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