19 Replies to “Was Nazism Right Wing or Left Wing?”

  1. Left-wing. Based on two empirical observations:

    1) Their name – they were the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

    2) Their methods – the Nazis cannot be said to be more bureaucratically fascist, brutal, sadistic, vindictive or murderous than their nearby, and openly-proclaimed communist, neighbour the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; their manner, monstrosity and results were virtually identical.

    “Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…”

    1. I once read that Nazism was the “little brother” to Joseph Stalin’s “big brother” of communism. Heck, they were even in bed together at the beginning of World War II until “little brother” decided to invade “big brother”.

  2. The State shall rule.
    All hail the State of Thuggery.
    If the individual has no rights nor freedoms,then you live in a Socialist Paradise.
    Actually a good talk,but we are all being divided by a common language.
    The bird needs both wings to fly.
    And every extreme takes us to the same place.
    Buyer Beware.

  3. Political left and right as opposites is flawed. The most coherent perspective is a two dimensional matrix of civil and economic liberty where communism, closely flanked by socialism and fascism (all overlapping blobs) is in the opposite quadrant of libertarianism. modern politics on such a matrix is a few overlapping amorphous blobs (representing most political parties) closer to and overlapping the totalitarian cluster than to the libertarian “extreme”. America’s founders (excepting their tolerance for slavery) were the closest any movement has come to the libertarian “extreme”.

    1. Yes, I think people get too caught up in the left/right spectrum. This suits the needs of those in power because it keeps the masses squabbling with each other while the powerful accumulate more wealth and power. As noted in the video, looking at the political spectrum in term of individual rights vs. totalitarianism control by a central government is more useful.

      Questions like : Do citizens have the right to peacefully protest and criticize the government without retribution? Do you have the right to private property without the threat of confiscation by government? Do you have free speech? Bodily autonomy? Media independence? Free markets? Freedom of religion? The freedom of self defense? How much economic freedom (tax rates)? Does the government and justice system apply laws and regulations fairly and equally?

      Most importantly: Does your government actually respect and defend these individual rights and freedoms or just talk about them and then do the opposite? If the answer is No to most of these questions then you’re moving towards totalitarianism and it doesn’t really matter if the government is “left wing” or “right wing”.

        1. Canada isn’t really the free country people Canadians think it is. If citizens didn’t figure it out after the government froze bank accounts, the abhorrent treatment of unvaccinated people and the push to confiscate rifles from legal owners and the industrial level corruption of the current government ..then I doubt they’ll ever figure it out.

          This isn’t really shocking. The Milgram experiment (people will do unethical and immoral things if authorities tell them to) and the Asch conformity test (go along with the crowd, even if it conflicts with your knowledge and principles, to avoid ostracism) explains most of the problem. About 75-85% of people fail Milgram and Asch tests which explains a lot of what has happened to Canada over the last few years. Most people are psychologically unable to do the right thing, even when they know what they are doing is wrong, due to their need to comply with authority and fit in.

          1. To your list you can add Canada’s political prisoners as evidenced by the treatment and trial of the Coutts Four. Imprisonment including lengthy bouts of solitary for two years along with denial of bail on mischief charges denies all basic legal rights of the accused. Mass murderers and rapists are treated better than the Four.

          2. The treatment of the convoy organizers and Coutts 4 was/is another stain on Canada. The weaponization of the legal system by government to punish their political enemies is an unmistakable marker on the road to serfdom (Friedrich Hayek).

    2. I prefer a three dimensional function, starting with:
      f(e)=economic liberty (0 full to 1 none)
      f(p)=economic liberty
      f(s)=social liberty

      Then an infinite number of variables can be examined.
      With full liberty you have f(e,p,z) = point 0,0,0 and so on for:

      Collectivism, and when that fails miserably,

      Liberty and prosperity are inextricable linked and co-dependent, something the progressives (aka derivative of statism and Marxism) can’t allow civil society to believe, because if we did, we’d fire those political plutocrats.

      No need for self-serving left, right or centre, which are itself just a univariable requiring comparison for context.
      An “extreme right winger” could simply be “right” of a totalitarian despot, Marxists or fascist, no longer “bad.”
      IOW it’s no longer useful as a measurement of liberty, or prosperity, or government, just the fog of political war.

  4. The Nazis arrived at their socialist philosophy via a non-Hegelian route, but it’s still a socialist philosophy.

  5. Love Metatron… he is an excellent and unbiased historical commentator with fantastic education… he’s not afraid to call out wokeism but also to call out when conservatives twist history as well (less common but it happens).

  6. Tik history has been dealing with this topic in excruciating detail for years now, far better than this guy’s word salad on “totalitarianism”. https://www.youtube.com/@TheImperatorKnight

    One aspect of Hitler’s Nazism (socialism) that sets it aside from Communism was his strategy of confounding class with a form of racism. You see this same practice in today’s left wing movements as they try to justify their continuing existence as all the original objectives of the leftists have been met (universal health care, welfare, etc.). So they invent new enemies to fight based on skin color, religion, sex, etc. and deliberately confound it with class (eg. white hetero males as the colonial oppressors). Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Socialism – are all just on a sliding scale of the same toxic leftist political spectrum.

    1. Agree entirely. TIK has put a lot of thought, analysis and in depth research into this. Both Marxist Socialism and National Socialism have the same modus operandi:
      1. Identify the target group;
      2. Kill them all;
      3. Steal everything they owned.

      The only difference is the target group: Jews for National Socialism; and the bourgeoisie for Marxist Socialism. But in either case, the result is millions of corpses.

  7. Using this videos base argument of relating a totalitarian dictatorship as the fundamental metric for being a nazi, at around the 6 minute mark, one need not go any further into the presentation.
    Leftists love more centralized power of the state, they want to be led and nurtured without risk. The right hates big government and its controlling regulations and prefer freedom to choose for themselves.
    The nazis 25-point Program was based around the development of a strong central state with unlimited authority over Industry and society.
    In a right leaning country with small government, a dictatorship would be hard to realize and maintain.
    In a leftist country, with a strong central government that controls everything, dictatorships can easily form and be maintained.
    So I would say, that those who wrote the history books (academia) after WW2 realized this and to distance themselves from nazi ideology that had major similarities with their own held beliefs , projected it onto the right.
    They continue this distortion today.

    1. “Leftists love more centralized power of the state, they want to be led and nurtured without risk. The right hates big government and its controlling regulations and prefer freedom to choose for themselves.”

      Taken to extremes, the left wing will end up being Communists where the government owns and controls everything (an unworkable system) and the right wing will end up as Libertarians with no government at all (again, an unworkable system); I’m much more Libertarian than Communist, but even I know that you need to have *some* government.

      Fascists, since they are ostensibly capitalists but insist on government control of businesses, are therefore left-wing.

  8. That was a lot of bullshit to simply obfuscate the question. To me, the left/right perspective is primarily economic. The whole economy of Nazi Germany was socialist, driven by decree. They were Swedes with death camps. The only conservatives in Germany were the monarchists. Americans didn’t want Hitler to be socialist so he didn’t start to look too much like Roosevelt.

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