French Laundry 2.0

California Governor Gavin Newsom has jut signed a bill that allows alcohol sales until 4am … but in just a single place in the state:

At the recently opened Los Angeles Intuit Dome, about 100 very rich people will be able to buy and drink alcohol later than the 2 a.m. cutoff in the rest of the state. Inglewood Assemblymember Tina McKinnor authored the bill to allow the exclusive exception that will “occur in a private area in the arena no larger than 2,500 square feet in the hours immediately following a day on which a sporting event, concert, or other major event, or a private event not open to the public, has occurred in the arena.”

Sources told KCRA that lobbyist Jason Kinney, who previously got Newsom in hot water after the governor attended his birthday dinner at the French Laundry during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, was responsible for influencing the governor’s decision. It’s a big win for billionaire Clippers owner Steve Ballmer — one of Ballmer’s business entities paid Kinney’s lobbying firm Axiom to push for the legislation, according to KCRA.

The elites are now doing whatever they want, in the open. They don’t care about the peasants whatsoever, yet a certain percentage of peasants still keep voting for them.

8 Replies to “French Laundry 2.0”

  1. “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” — George Orwell, Animal Farm.

  2. “ bill to allow the exclusive exception that will “occur in a private area in the arena no larger than 2,500 square feet in the hours immediately following a day on which a sporting event, concert, or other major event”

    Lots of pizza being served there I bet.

  3. Rules governing the sale and consumption of alcohol win the prize for the most bizarre regulations ever conceived. Until the early 70s, most provinces required buyers of alcohol to have a permit book in which their purchases were duly noted. In Manitoba, hotel beer parlors were men only. Women could only drink at certain lounges. Why people put up with such nonsense for so long is beyond me.

  4. Privilege is two latin words combined. Privi – private, lege – law. So is California recreating the end of the Roman empire?
    What next, a law lowering the age of consent to 12 years but only on Hollywood studio property?

  5. “…yet a certain percentage of peasants still keep voting for them.”

    Are they though? This is the question we begin to ask in 2024.

  6. This is nothing new. I know a former accountant who wrote sections of the US tax code while working for a corporation benefitting from such changes. I suspect that lobbyists write more legislation and regulation than the bureaucrats and lawyers working for the legislatures and I know they write more than the elected Jacobins and Bolsheviks most of whom don’t even read them. Think Dairy lobby in Canada only over all corporate sectors, particularly NGOs.

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