10 Replies to “October 3, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. How do you all come up with so many pithy by lines? What creative minds. Some may consider other adjectives but I will stick with creative. Thanks for all you do.

  2. My wife was talking with her son earlier this evening, they saw a post by Andrew Sheer which stated that the Canadian Parliment has been shut down by the police. They are investigating over $300 Million in funds from foreign governments which is somehow unaccounted for.

    Had a look around the Net, nothing there.

    Can someone else confirm this? It was apparently on Andrew’s Facebook page.

    Interesting times if this is the case.

    Where is the Canadian MSM??? MIA???

        1. GlaciermanI don’t know what this all means or what, if anything will become of it.

          Team Turd is desperately hanging on to power, presumably so they can continue to enrich themselves.

          1. Can’t be voted out by a non confidence vote in parliament if parliament is suspended….

            We are living in 1930’s Germany now. Shut down by the police? On whose orders?

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