13 Replies to “Our Kind Of People”

  1. Correction: CANADIANS – SDA readers exluded, of course – have turned Canada into a country that rewards terrorism. A majority of Canadians voted – three, count ’em, THREE times(!) – for the either the Liberals or the NDP (a distinction without a difference) and elected these dangerous clowns to high office

    We get the country that “we” – again, SDA readers exempted – richly deserve. Many of our friends and neighbours need to take a good long look in the mirror (most won’t).

    And to make matters ever worse, many of Canadians, what with their preening moral exhibitionism (“diversity is our strength!”, “the most multicultural country on earth! – take that Amerikkka!”), are completely smug about what they’ve created.

    I swear to God there are about ten actual ‘men’ left in this country.

  2. Is anyone surprised? This is a government that rewards to the tune of 10.5 mil a terrorist and steals 2K from a service man.
    Its obvious the biggest terrorist org in Canada is the government of Canada.

  3. I think that would have been obvious back in 2017 Trudeau decided to pay the convicted war criminal $10.5 million, and appointed his lawyer as a judge.

  4. The article claims the government is naive. (It was referring to UNWRA.)
    It’s not naivety. The government – made up of mostly card-carrying Lieberals – is consciously, purposely and deliberately supporting Islamic terrorism.

  5. I think we’ve gotten to a point where catch phrases and perceived “truths” need to be challenged every time they are offered. A commonality of the left is to repeat and drum-in unchallenged “truths” incessantly until society accepts them as truth. The hold outs apply critical thinking and individual research to form their own opinions. And, rather than debate the issue the Left will inform you that the argument has already been decided. We’ve seen this with Anthropomorphic Climate Change. We’ve seen it with the “vaccine.” If they can’t point to a dressed up study or a perceived expert in the field, they resort to the “isms” and the “phobes” accusations to shut down any discourse that might expose their own shortcomings on an issue.

    So, when someone exclaims, “Diversity is our Strength” it’s time to respond….”WHY?” What is it about Indians shitting the beach that they find so attractive and beneficial to society? A vast majority of immigrants are escaping their countries because their society and their culture has failed. It was unsustainable. They find the culture and opportunities of countries like the US and Canada attractive simply because, for all intents and purposes, the culture experiment there has been relatively successful. Running water, electricity, educational opportunities, and rugged individualism. The opportunity to pursue your passions.

    You, certainly, can learn a lot by taking an interest in people(s) from another part of the world. But, most of the time, the lesson is “how NOT to do something.” Our problem is that we let these same failings take root as people bring their cultures with them. I’ll admit there are some benefits to these arrivals, but much is esoteric. So, maybe it’s time to challenge the repeated “truths” and refuse to accept such proclamations as gospel.

    1. “I think we’ve gotten to a point where catch phrases and perceived “truths” need to be challenged every time they are offered.”

      Uh, I think we passed that point a long time ago. Like 30 years ago

      In fact, we are now living in a Culture of Inversion wherein almost every statement, sound bite, slogan, pronouncement, etc., from any ‘official’ or ‘quasi-official’ body or source should be interpreted as meaning THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what was said. Not true in every situation (an adult-level appreciation of nuance is required to navigate the new regime) but a good rule of thumb nonetheless.

      1. I meant it from a perspective of (for lack of a better term) manners. A lot of times people will avoid a truth so as not to create an uncomfortable situation. For example, if someone says “diversity is our strength”, the normal reaction would be to skirt the issue if you’re not on board with that conclusion. I’m willing to respond to anyone that “No, it isn’t, and here’s why I think so.”

        Such a proclamation gets me labeled a racist, close minded, and a xenophobe. But, think about why Trump has succeeded the way he has, in politics. I don’t like the guy. I think he’s a buffoon a lot of the time. But, he doesn’t shy away from the truth. He’ll refer to Haiti as a “Shithole country,” and mean it. He’ll attach labels to individuals not giving a damn how they feel about the moniker, or whether it hurts their feelings. We need more of that.

        Matt Rife ( a comedian) did some jokes about domestic abuse, and they tried to cancel him. In response he put up a link on Twitter with the comment….for those who are trying to cancel me and were offended by a joke, here is a link to my apology. It was a link to a Special Needs Helmet manufacturer. 😀 We need more of that…all the time, without relief.

        1. Orson, I have a simpler credo: “Facts are friendly.” Let’s discuss the FACTS and if anyone has a problem with that, then THEY are the problem

          Also, why do some Canadians OBSESS about their being perceived as “pleasant” or “nice” or even “non-controversial”? Who cares?

          Facts are friendly (not Canadians).

  6. Rank and file Canadians including most SDA commenters have surrendered Canada through a myopic inability to admit they are powerless obedient Subjects of the foreign socialist Crown, and the lack of fortitude to commit to civil war in order to establish a democratic Canadian republic. Louis Riel is turning in his grave.

    1. Anything to keep the peasant fleas on the Royal dog busy while they make off with Canada’s vast fortune of natural resources.

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