
Something wicked this way comes:

In the days before the cabal enjoyed total power, California boasted a remarkably diverse economy that included not only Silicon Valley and Hollywood, but also some of the country’s largest banks, a highly diversified industrial sector, and thriving oil and aerospace industries that employed hundreds of thousands of largely unionized blue-collar workers. At the turn of the millennium, California job creation was well-distributed in terms of regions, job types, and incomes. This economy proved to be a powerful engine for upward mobility and social progress.

But as the progressives, including Harris, completed their total takeover, California’s economy has been slouching toward what former Gov. Jerry Brown once warned would be a “Johnny-one-note” model, based almost entirely on returns to real estate, tech stocks, and the value of privately held startups. The progressive regulatory tsunami—notably on labor, climate, and energy—hammered all businesses outside the elite tech sector. Harris talks about creating an “opportunity” society by aiding small businesses, but according to the Small Business Regulation Index, progressive California has the worst business climate for small firms in the nation.

3 Replies to “Kamalafornication”

  1. I will never forgive the left for what they’ve done to California. As a kid growing up in the 70s in – ugh – New Jersey – it looked like heaven on earth. Always wanted to move there but never did, and now that fanciful notion is totally out of the question. Thanks progs. When your state goes full commie, I hope you all end up like Trotsky.

  2. Call it what it is . . . COMMUNISM.
    It might be creeping communism or chocolate coated communism, but it’s communism plain as day.

  3. I live here … I was born here in 1955. I am a 4th generation Californian, as my Swedish great grandparents left Erie, PA in 1919 … driving across the country’s dirt roads … and settled in San Diego. I have watched this State decline in real time through my baby boomer lifetime. The degradation of our State is truly shocking. We are now divided into “safe” cities and quite literally “no go” cities (like Oakland, and surrounding cities). Yes, Silicon Valley is lovely … from Los Gatos Hills, to San Mateo. Palo Alto? Lovely. East Palo Alto? A “no go” zone.

    The basics of life are downright unaffordable. Food, gasoline, rent, insurance, property taxes, utilities, fees, and tolls … utterly crushing costs, sales taxes, State income taxes … all soul crushing.

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