Kamala’s America

Incompetence, malice, or both?

Viva Frei started off his show tonight talking about this.

22 Replies to “Kamala’s America”

  1. As Hanania put it, the IQ difference between Liberals and Conservatives is best summarized by what it takes to lie and mislead them. To get Liberals to believe lies you need an advanced degree and impressive title. To get Conservatives to not only believe but parrot lies requires being some rando on ‘X’.

    It is not the obligation of the rest of the world to indulge your alternate reality borne of self-induced psychosis.

    1. The main difference (but not the only difference) between liberals and conservatives is that Conservatives cherish life. ALL life, including Liberals. Lieberals will prefer people who don’t agree with them just die.

      “To get Conservatives to not only believe but parrot lies requires being some rando on ‘X’.”

      Are you projecting again, UnMe?

    2. “advanced degree and impressive titles”??

      Liberal morons commonly believe the lies about the news fed to them by failed stand-up comedians with late night TV talk shows.

        1. Stunnedme:

          Slither off, slimy thing.

          If you hate conservatives so much, why do you post here?

          Must be a self loathing trait.

  2. Volunteered to go operate a chainsaw, bringing my own chainsaws and trucks. Also volunteered to load/unload cargo and choppers. Didn’t hear back.

  3. Mountains and mountain ranges of rules, “to ensure your safety”.

    The moment in the video where he mentions he’s not permitted to help with the trees removal because he’s a auxiliary and not “level 1 and level 2” certified sounds too much like … when the forest fires were all around Fort McMurray AB a few years ago, and the NDP Gov’t decreed that only union/gov’t approved firefighters could do that work…

    These are the people who give you a ticket for not having *official* Heimlich Manoeuvre training after you’ve saved a life.

    When you see people stuck in a ditch in January, you know they’re going to freeze to death and die, ensure that they are not gov’t or union workers so you do not get sued for misstating their pronouns.

    1. Unqualified ‘help’ is often highly unhelpful and downright hazardous. They have enough problems down there without every highly motivated poorly trained do-gooder showing up and making a mess.

      1. uh no, onionme, the mess is already there.
        the tradeoff as in everything in life there are tradeoffs is the satisfying odds that volunteers suitability or not, is sufficient it will be obvious and filtered out early. the benefits of ‘loosening the rules this one time’ vastly outweigh a small %age unintentional negatives.

        now, with your stand, you are designated the last to get picked up by the chopper so foad

  4. Lemme say this ’bout that.

    The bottom feeders divine regulations from the entrails of their self important lose brains, for they are paid to do that.
    Working for a large corporation, when you wanted to do something that made sense to the bosses, the bosses would say that it is against the regulations and that is that.
    You may have noticed that in the current situation where help, any help is against regulations, so die.
    The bottom feeders, the bureaucrats and assorted paper pushers sit in their damn stinking offices and rule over something they have zero understanding. The only thing they go by is the rules. The rules were written by the bottom feeders with no actual life experience or understanding how the real world works.
    The bureaucracy is so thick that any actual help may take about the same time as the heat from the inside of the sun gets to the corona.
    To this scum, the dead and injured are just a peripheral, collateral damage, nothing to be concerned about.
    The bonus for them is that they are going to ‘study’ the situation as long as they are. Then they will write more idiotic nonsense and the congress will approve it, even though they have no idea what’s written in it. After all it is the so called ‘experts’ that know stuff.

  5. So, since I spent 15 years with the MOF of which 12 were in wildfire initial attack I have some radio experience. And with that in mind I spent about an hour listening to North Carolina HAM radio transmissions. All I can say is wow! Whiskey tango foxtrot!

    There is no real interagency frequency or at least there wasn’t a few days ago and yes they were threatening good samaritan’s operating helicopters with arrest. This area is mountainous and very rugged and has been slammed with debris flows and is a huge mess. The HAM guys are solid good citizens and doing Gods work and no, they don’t subscribe to crazy weather modification theories, nor to secret morgues full of bodies, nor to towns reeking of the stench of the dead, nor to the feds bulldozing flat entire towns. That being said I have no doubt the death toll will be far higher than the number reported initially and will be way north of 200. To summarize there seems to be incredible incompetence at play here, or worse.

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