Your Home Is Not Your Castle

When a society accepts the premise that those with wealth deserve to have it strip mined, nothing is off limits.

Governments’ extraction of value from our homes has accelerated in recent years as they have became more desperate, both to raise revenue and to find scapegoats to deflect blame for their own starring role Canada’s housing shortage. As the byzantine extractions multiplied, our homes, once considered our main assets, have morphed for many into our main liabilities. Once upon a time, “safe as houses” was a no-brainer investment strategy. Anyone who now sees a house as a safe investment needs his head examined.

6 Replies to “Your Home Is Not Your Castle”

    1. Ridiculous comment. In fact, taxation on the value of homes is nothing more than slow motion Marxism. I really got a kick out of your stupid comment and “home ownership has long been overrated as a wealth building strategy”…..except you haven’t factored in the concept of not having to pay some scuz bag for rent for your entire life and end up with nothing. Shove your “counterpoint” well and truly up your ass.

      Taxing the gain in value of a principal residence is little more than a tax on inflationary gain….that is, inflation that has been CAUSED by government.

      What IS immoral is parasites who believe somehow they are entitled to a portion of what a homeowner has worked for and has foregone immediate wants (as opposed to needs)

  1. l bought my place >2 decades ago and proceeded to now when l have accelerated things prior to listing, spend 10s thousands dollars and hours turning it into an instant sale.
    why the FCUK do liberals think they are entitled to a smidgen of the gain in value all accomplished by me? THATS MY RETIREMENT FUND ASSWIPES

  2. I’m pretty sure I know at least a million people who’ll snap if the government tries to take their home equity.
    If the government wants a revolution, this will bring one about.

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