8 Replies to “This Land Is Our Land”

  1. Anyone in BC who could not see this coming was asleep at the wheel. Make no mistake this was an NDP and Federal Liberal creation where, to gain votes with the urban class, they showered largesse and rights on the Coville Confederated Tribes and also the U.S. Lakota Sioux. When the Colville opened up their Nelson office I was amused to read that the Colville Nation outnumbers the local Kootenay and probably the Okanagan nation combined. Because Eby and gang were falling over themselves to confer rights on the aggrieved it was self evident what that would include. So the fact that the Colville now want Columbia River Treaty money and anything else they can get is no surprise. The losers here will be the taxpayers.

  2. So apparently someone is living on land someone lived on before. Who would have thought…. Other than we all do.

  3. This issue causes one to ask all sort of bizarre “Canadian” questions such as:

    1. which group is more virtuous? (i) the natives hailing from the ever-benevolent, peace-loving (and peace-keeping), Most Multicultural Country On Earth or (ii) the natives of the crypto-fascist, warlike, Imperialistic AmeriKKKa?

    2. Or to turn it around, have the natives hailing from the ever-benevolent, peace-loving (and peace-keeping), Most Multicultural Country On Earth) suffered LESS and hence are LESS VIRTUOUS (virtue is to be attained via suffering and victimization) than (ii) the natives of the crypto-fascist, warlike, Imperialistic AmeriKKKa?

    Bonus question: how many decolonization activists can dance on the head of a pin?

    We are cursed to live in “interesting” times

  4. I think the “nations” should settle the issue by fighting it out as in the glorious days prior to the colonizing, residential school gulag running, slavery ending, civilization and technology bringers – made agreements to give them welfare forever.

    1. Perhaps one of the chiefs involved will complain of dreaming about a white buffalo stomping him and his cohorts into the ground. Interpreted as welfare cheques lost.

  5. Over my FN’s son in law’s dead body. He’ll not break the arrow with these “historic” tribes trying to grab their stack of $$$

  6. When I see stories like this I’m always reminded of philosopher Eric Mack’s quote that I read many years ago: “There was no tribe called ‘The Indians’ ” with whom Europeans were supposed to negotiate with.

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