Today In Renaming All The Things

Daily Sceptic- The Politicisation of Plants

The first step concerns the word caffra. It is a common suffix in some plants, such as Erythrina caffra. From now on caffra will be replaced by affra, so that Erythrina caffra will be known as Erythrina affra. This is because caffra is a bad word, alluding to an Arabic word for ‘infidel’ (which at some point was adopted as a racial term in South Africa), while affra is a good word, alluding to Africa. If that was the first step, then the second step is that the nomenclature session also decided that a committee will be created to consider the names of plants associated with controversial figures from the past: though this will only apply to plants named after 2026, and therefore not reach as far as renaming plants which were originally named for slave traders or despots.

9 Replies to “Today In Renaming All The Things”

  1. Why work their way through the Latin?
    Just ban white oak, white pine, black walnut, black maple, etc.
    You know they’re going there as soon as they’ve fixed Latin.

  2. why such an absurd initiative? garnering favour in the plant kingdom?
    next step to *become* ‘one with the plants’?
    whallll bys!! ye be ‘alfways dere. congrats!!!

  3. Maybe they could rename some flowers for African tyrants, such as Idi Amin, Mobuto Sese Seko or Francisco Nguema.

  4. It would seem that someone peered over the fence towards the Ornithological Society and exclaimed…”Hey, they’re doing something that’s complete nonsense over there. We should too.”

    You may recall a couple years ago the American Ornithological Society started renaming birds so they didn’t include anyone’s name (you know, like the guy who discovered the freakin bird). IMO, this is the same nonsense that is reflected when they tear down statues. It’s a bunch of malcontent average individuals who want to live up to the times where their parents inadvertently and incorrectly told them they were special (in a non-special Ed. type of way).

  5. Kaffir, the correct South African slang/slur is “Kaffir”, which, ironicly, is stolen from Arabic Kafir: Non-believer.
    The term Kaiffirboetie (Kaffir Lover) is actually banned, as hate speech and is punishable by law. Yes, another non-freedom of speech..

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