21 Replies to “Enemies Within the Gates”

  1. Fortunately there are still a lot of red neck, alpha male types left in Canada. They might be in for a surprise.

    1. JB, it is almost amusing to see the limp progressives , after realizing that this is the culmination of their whole movement, being wholly unable to remedy the situation. Which as you say, could be solved in 5 minutes by a true Canadian male.

  2. You call me a “settler” country … like that was a BAD thing? Have you SEEN what the colonists have wrought? The wealth, and the standard of living we’ve brought to EVERYONE!? No natives are living in the dirt and dying of childhood diseases. Have you seen the beauty and technology Israel has brought to the God-forsaken desert? They’ve turned the desert into a garden!

    You should be THANKING the settlers, that you were even born.

    1. Toronto and Montreal. That’s where ALL of them are.

      Also, a lot of that crowd is Pantifa, NDPee voters and union thugs.

      1. I don’t recognize that location as anything I’m familiar with in T.O. or Montreal. Someone is suggesting Vancouver.

        Wherever it is, you can just tell from the jargon and the tone of voice (watch videos of the Manson Family girls hectoring people; they sound identical) that the speaker is some entitled, useless, over-credentialed, dim-witted AWFL (junior division)

  3. You know, this whole thing could be defused and ended by denying government benefits to immigrants. They would all go home. They hate it here, the winter sucks and the summer sucks too.

    1. All of the airlines going east would be booked solid for months. Air Canada might actually turn a profit for once. The only problem is that the SCOC ruled in the early 80’s that anyone who sets foot on Canadian soil, embassies included, is entitled to all of the benefits of Canadian citizenship. It’s illegal to cut them off. Thank you PET.

  4. If this keeps up reason is going to come from the end of a club.
    But it does look like the Post National State has started taking root .
    And this is what it brings.
    Boy do the Conservatives have a job on their hands.

  5. That vile creature should be given two options, live in Palestine or Saudi Arabia. She is the poster child for the hatred that is allowed to flourish in Canada thanks to liberal governments at all levels.

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