22 Replies to “If It Wasn’t For Government”

  1. When you’re selling a carbon tax that is supposed to stop forest fires then you need as many forest fires as you can get.
    Deliberate destruction to justify raising the carbon tax.

  2. They also installed fire hydrants with non-standard thread … to prevent the fire engines from being able to connect to them

    And they stopped doing prescribed burns many years before lightning started the fire that burned Jasper

    And they ignored warnings from forestry management experts for many years

    It’s •••ALMOST••• as though Guilbeault, the Ministry of the Environment and the Liberal Government wanted major wildfires to occur. At which point, they would make sure firefighters could not fight fires.

    Burn Baby Burn

    1. I assume the non standard fittings were cheaper and someone pocketed the difference.
      Wouldn’t be hard to find out who, except this is clown world.

      1. …or the hydrants were supplied by a company that donates lots of money to the Liberal party and/or a company where a Liberal MP has a direct financial interest.

        It wouldn’t be difficult to find out if we had a media that dared to do investigative reporting. In the demented Dominion of Canada with a completely corrupt and dysfunctional government and complicit government funded media, the citizens are never able to find out what is really going on.

  3. Wow, it is big. But Blackie & co survived stronger storms, from top of my head: SNC Lavalin aka obstruction of Justice, covid time + Freedom Convoy aka trampling on basic freedoms, Chinese interference aka treason.
    This time is easy: whoever had the audacity to say it publicly, will be destroyed (fired, financially ruined) while slave msmedia will praise the Right Honorable, as always.

  4. So what is their excuse for the wrong threads on the fire equipment, blocking the fire trucks, refusing to clear the dead pine beetle trees, and refusal to do proper burns and proper forest management?
    Can they convince us that they are that incompetent, stupid, utterly useless, and liars, and that’s why a town burned?
    While the Liberal Party benefits politically from every fire, every death by fire, and all the destruction by fire.

    Occam’s Razor?

  5. It’s federal land, if they wanted the fires out they would have called in the federal fire fighters.

    When AB/Sask. separate from tier 2 Canada, Jasper, Banff, Waterton, Wood Buffalo, Elk Island, Prince Albert, Grasslands… will all revert to their proper owners, Alberta and Saskatchewan.

    Then AB/Sask. can put the correct threads on the fire hydrants, and start clearing the dead wood out, permit controlled burns…

  6. Add this story to what’s going on down in North Carolina with Hurricane Helene. Government IS the problem, not the solution. They stand in the way and prevent people from helping.

  7. The last few seconds of the above video, is the announcer repeating what the federal spokesperson had said, that Canada is “warming at twice the global rate”

    Remember when all news media companies announced that local average temperatures were rising at above the global average? Well if everyone is above the average, that’s not an average…

    They’re lying about global warming, and the fire situation in Jasper was because of federal mismanagement.
    Everything they touch turns to garbage, and their leader Is the #Shitmidas

  8. With the Trudeau government you never know if it’s malice, incompetence or both. The Liberal government’s well known hatred of Alberta and Saskatchewan makes people suspicious that the years of forest mismanagement and the bungled fire response in Jasper was deliberate but I doubt we’ll ever really know.

    Regardless, the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan should take over forest management and fire fighting in national forests and parks inside their borders. The Trudeau government cannot be trusted, they have mismanaged or corrupted every department under their control.

    1. Hanlon’s Razor needs to be applied only once, like “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”. So if you see one stupid practice, you apply the razor and attribute it to stupidity. The second time it would be appropriate to attribute it to malice or the shame is yours for not seeing it. When you see a pattern of stupidity, as we are seeing with the Liberal policies regarding forest fires, it is no longer stupidity, it is malicious and deliberate. It may also be stupid, but it has passed over the middle ground to malicious because it is insane (and there is a statement about that idea, too).

  9. They stopped the farmer that was trying to plow a fire break in his fields, as well.

    “Didn’t have proper training” was the excuse.
    I’d put money on the farmer being smarter than the idiots in charge, just by looking at all these reports! They used to come into the bars, to recruit labor for fighting fires!

    If it’s MY land, MY equipment, MY choice, you can F off, thank you kindly, I’ve decided to stay and i WONT be asking for your help!

  10. blaming Liberals only works up to a point.
    when you get to that point, now start blaming Canaduhians who VOTE for them.
    as such, we conclude sufficient of them on ontariowe and kaybeck HATE the prairies and this is their outlet, assign the ‘dirty work’ to the Liberals.

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