11 Replies to “October 8, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. Of course the Red Army tying down the bulk of the Panzers and the Luftwaffe starting in 1941 was a pretty big deal.

      Also the bulk of the fuel, rations, clothing, equipment and ammunition ended up going East. Absent the Red Army (i.e. with a Soviet collapse) all that would be free to head West.

      1. The point of the talk was to illustrate just how little military armament production facilities the US had prior to WW2 breaking out and how that rapidly changed. For example, there were no assembly line facilities for building airplanes and not one factory that produced tanks. In fact, the head of the army thought tanks were unnecessary. He was canned.
        One factoid mentioned: more US citizens died in production facilities during WW2 than in battle.

  1. Russian court sentences a 72-year-old American to nearly 7 years in prison for fighting in Ukraine

    “Arrests of Americans have become increasingly common in Russia in recent years. Concern has risen that Russia could be targeting U.S. nationals for arrest to use later as bargaining chips in talks to bring back Russians convicted of crimes in the U.S. and Europe.”

    I’m still waiting for the schweinie-loving UIs* here to make use of the opportunity generously provided by old Poo (visas to Russia for everyone who says they’re “oppressed by liberal values”). I’m pretty sure, a lot of Russian spies, crooks and murderers in American prisons are eagerly waiting for that same thing, too (do I need to explain why)? I’m also sure that the wait isn’t going to be very rewarding – from what I understand of UIs and their controlled schitzophrenia, in most cases their basic self-preservation instincts are not influenced by their stated beliefs.

    Oh, and just to make it clear, other sources describe the old man as “worked as a teacher in Ukraine before the Russian invation” “never held a gun”, “pacifist” and even “pro-russian”.

    *Useful Idiots.

  2. Confucius say, “Amateurs think war is strategy; professionals know war is logistics.”

    Among America’s major contributions to victory in WW2 were the C-47 Dakota, the 2-1/2 ton truck and lots of bulldozers to make roads and airfields. I read an item about Wehrmacht troops in the Battle of the Bulge capturing American rations and discovering that some of the bread had been baked in New York and air-freighted across the Atlantic. Surprise, Heinrich – your enemies have enough spare air to fly bread across the ocean, and how’s your day been so far?

    Happily, that air transport capacity was still in the world when Stalin decided in 1948 to close the land routes and starve West Berlin into submission. The Wehrmacht hadn’t shared any of that bread with Russians so Stalin didn’t know what he was getting himself into – and as fast as aircraft landed in Berlin, they were unloaded by (among others) many, many former soldiers of the Wehrmacht. My hero of the Berlin Airlift was Gail Halvorsen, who started Operation Little Vittles – and after he thought it up and put-out the call, many inbound aircraft “bombarded” German children waiting around the airfields with chocolate bars on handkerchief-parachutes, donated by the chocolate companies and ordinary G.I.’s giving their chocolate rations to the cause. That’s how “swaying public opinion” is supposed to work!

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