9 Replies to “Keep’em Coming”

  1. With many Canadian workers being considerably less productive than migrants and with compliance costs and minimum wages rising steadily, it comes as no surprise that businesses are looking for more of them.

    Yet almost no one questions employment compliance costs and various wage mandates.

    1. They do not.

      Because – to repeat myself endlessly – Canadians re conventional, trusting and complacent. Indeed, it is almost considered a form of “antisocial behavior” to even question the status quo or what amounts to the ‘comfortable’ consensus on virtually ANY matter

      And as a result, we get the country we deserve.

  2. Because Canadians are unemployable mostly unionized socialist lazy people who take far too much time off and demand unrealistic astronomical wages.

    Canadians need a humbling, followed by a reckoning.

  3. No one should think that your wages will go up if you get rid of all foreign workers. This belief arises from the fallacy that the economy is a fixed pie that can never grow.

  4. The governments of Canada cost wayyyy too much.
    Businesses must cut costs when governments keep increasing them.
    First thing I’d rid the wage slaves and businesses of is Employment Insurance.
    Its the most ignorant payroll tax there is.
    Why do I call it ignorant?
    Because the average Canadian is an economically ignorant asshole and far too many are filthy commies.
    They’d all be saying, “What do I do when I get laid off?”
    Well dickhead, get another job, stop jerking off all winter, save for a snowy day and buy your own insurance. Its like car, house, rental, life insurance you lazy fat slob.

  5. “Canada last year let in 1,040,985 foreign students, another 766,520 migrant workers and 471,550 landed immigrants.”
    Does this mean we added 2,279,550 people to this country!?
    The so-called housing crisis is undoubtedly intentional, and entirely avoidable.
    And part of the Gramsci-Weftard strategy to destroy our society.
    Who voted for this?
    Which party had this in their platform?
    None I expect.
    This is pm Zoolander salting the earth before he gets tossed.
    A Migration Populaire is a recognized casus belli.
    Those in charge doing it to their own population, are thus traitors and should be charged as such.
    This government should fall immediately.

  6. This is what happens when governments make policies for corporations and not for citizens.

    Temporary foreign workers should total zero.

    International students should be exchange program: 50,000 Cdns study in US, allow 50,000 Americans to study in Canada; 46 Cdns study in Bangladesh, allow 46 Bangladeshis to study in Canada; 12 Cdns study in Saudi, allow 12 Saudis to study in Canada. Oh and make sure their diploma is accompanied by an order to immediately exit Canada.

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