More Pavilions at Folkfest

Spectator- The EU can’t stop Denmark’s migrant crackdown

In recent years, Denmark has adopted a zero net-migration target; has had a Rwanda asylum processing policy (currently ‘on hold’); and regularly publishes statistics that justify its policies – including demonstrating that non-western immigrants make a net negative financial contribution to the Danish economy, and that violent crime convictions for immigrants from certain Middle Eastern countries are over seven times the Danish average.

4 Replies to “More Pavilions at Folkfest”

  1. Old Danish Folk Tale:

    There was once a silly farmer who left his henhouse door open. Weasels got in and started killing his chickens. “Min Gud, Min Gud!” said the silly farmer. “The vaesels are my hønsehus in! I must a hammer get and nail shut the door!”

  2. we were in Copenhagen last February , we were surprised my the number of kids and the light colour of same, loads of covid babies pushed around in prams.

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