12 Replies to “October 9, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. https://t.me/worldpravda/18853

    “Cluster munitions contain dozens or hundreds of small bombs that disperse in flight. It is prohibited by international law due to its indiscriminate nature and the large number of civilian casualties.”

    A prime example of Russian propaganda. First, they are not “prohibited by international law”. There is a voluntary agreement not to use them, but Ukraine, Russia, and the US have not signed on. Now for the big one: Russia has been using cluster munitions far more than Ukraine has and for a longer time period.

    They even made this presentation at the UN at one point. Just bizarre propaganda.

    1. The general rule is that whenever russia accuses someone of doing something it means russians have done it or are to get caught doing it.

    1. The article said that 10 million would go to 3 places, looked after by NGO’s. NON profit. How does that numerically work?

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