The Kamala Puppet Is Not Fit For Office

Megyn Kelly and Paul Murray discuss the latest fiascos of Kamala Harris.

More from Robert Kennedy Jr.

Will this be enough to allow this horrifically incompetent puppet into the top job in America?

6 Replies to “The Kamala Puppet Is Not Fit For Office”

  1. Red States and Purple States with Red governors should be shipping out the illegals sent to their State to Blue States as fast as the illegals come in.

    Transportation out is cheaper than supporting them when the illegals remain in the State.

    1. Shipping them to Blue states, I don’t think that is the complete answer.
      All people, including illegals are counted, when it comes to the size of Congressional districts, for House seats. The more illegals in Blue states, just means more Blue House Democrats seats.
      They should be flown to some place like Uganda, or Rwanda or the Congo,,, some place not so easy to get back to N. America, and some place that would not hesitate to deal with them if they try voting in their country. Some place a Latin american criminals, wouldn’t want to find themselves. Some place where they won’t have so many rights, the instant they step foot in another country.
      This might be better than sending them back to their home country.

  2. If Kamala is elected in November, time to immediately seek safe third country. Canada will fold like the coward shithole it is, to globalist rule. Only a BRICS, or adjacent country will do, perhaps el Salavdor or Argentina?

  3. The math may be directionally correct but it doesn’t make sense. Compared to the reported totals, the numbers seem very low.

    Also, without a direct comparison to ‘non-swing’ states we can’t draw conclusions. Some say that the overall number of illegal immigrants is up 400%.

    Are the Democrats trying their very best to game the electoral system – yes!

  4. Thank God that this sort of thing is not occurring in Canada under the Liberals.

    Canadians WOULD be discussing this is if were happening here, right???

    Or am I missing something?

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