29 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. So in today’s Canada, you can fatally stab an old man because he said something you did not like, or pushed you a little bit – then shove the bleeding man out into the hall and leave him to die as you walk away.
    All because of a minor altercation.
    But as long as you say you feel really, really sorry afterwards, and play the usual victim cards, you walk away a free man.
    Open season, folks.

  2. Wait. Whaaaaaaat!? The 72yo victim had alcohol, cocaine, and fentanyl in his system!!!! Whaaaat!? I’m only 69 … and I am wayyyyyy past that kind of partying till 3am. I guess I’m a boring square. Or as Kamala would say … I’m weird.

    Doesn’t mean you deserve to be stabbed to death … but you’re kinda putting yourself in harms way. And what do they say? Nothing good happens after midnight? Sadly, this guy encountered a psycho killer.

    And the psycho killer gets to stroll around FREE … and “behave” himself. Yeah … the Judge likely just signed another death warrant when this psycho STOPS being “good” in a very short a while

      1. I didn’t read carefully enough. My brain must have overridden the “pm” … and just assumed am … since that just SEEMS the time murders happen and heavy drug use takes place.

  3. ” The judge was ultimately convinced of the offender’s lack of culpability in the killing, noting the abuse he suffered as a child and his intellectual disabilities.

    “I find as a fact that his level of culpability was substantially reduced. My conclusion is based on the following collective factors; Mr. Woods’s direct and indirect experiences as an Indigenous person, his significant cognitive deficits, his ADHD and to a lesser extent his state of intoxication,” the judge wrote.”

    I’m a drunk indian “get out of jail free” card.
    We certainly need a new country!

    1. I really hope I get murdered by a man who had a difficult childhood. It will be an odd coincidence when a man with a difficult childhood who is a complete human wreck … murders a man who had a horrible childhood, but had the internal competency and drive to overcome that difficult childhood. And it will be double ironic when our judicial system CHOOSES to REWARD the LOSER, murderers life over the life of the man he murdered.

      That’s sick. Only a sick, sick, mentally compromised society would behave that way.

      1. I’m just trying to highlight that this wasn’t a random murder in a public place. It was a fight over drugs or sex in flop house.

    1. Didn’t Hezbollah call for worldwide stabbings ? For “Palestine” or something? What a beautiful religion. It worships DEATH to all nonbelievers. Good thing GYM isn’t hostile toward Islam … he might not be treated as well as I treat him …

  4. “Despite his confession, Woods was released without charges or conditions after the interrogation. ”

    Well that’s special… how well known to the police was Woods?

    “”I find as a fact that his level of culpability was substantially reduced. My conclusion is based on the following collective factors; Mr. Woods’s direct and indirect experiences as an Indigenous person, his significant cognitive deficits, his ADHD and to a lesser extent his state of intoxication,” the judge wrote.”

    Gladue is an abomination, as this once again proves.

  5. Did the judge threaten the murderer that if he murdered another person the next time he would likely be sentenced to serve time in a Sweat Lodge?

  6. It’s all a part of the inversion and strengthening of apartheid. A white person questioning the fascist dictates of the state and protesting the lockdowns and restrictions gets years of solitary confinement before going to trial and being coerced into a plea bargain and getting 6 years while an Indian walks for being guilty of murder. You can see why the grievance industry and their progressive useful idiots don’t want anything resembling equality before the law. What would happen to a modern version of Robert Pickton if he were an Indian charged and found guilty today.

  7. I don’t think I’ve ever read of such an absurd abuse of an alleged judicial system.

    “Your honor, my client was intoxicated, and therefore cannot be convicted of driving while intoxicated. We can cite precedents.”

    Excerpt from the article, “Under the conditions of the sentence, Woods must stay in his residence at a recovery home in the B.C. Interior for 24 hours a day for the first year, followed by a year of overnight curfew before he is released on probation. He must not possess any weapons or use drugs or alcohol, and he must keep the peace and be on good behaviour.” Based on the judge’s absurd development of Woods’ sentence, he could not be considered culpable for violating any of the conditions stated above, either. This is an irrevocable Get Out Of Jail Free card.

  8. Since we can’t tar and feather the judge, I suggest he be shunned.. refuse him all services. Name and shame. No more auto service, medical or dental.. let him use the walk in clinics. Don’t paint his house, don’t serve him at a restaurant, don’t make deliveries, drop his house insurance. It’s past time these judges paid the consequences of their actions, that endanger us all.

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