38 Replies to “October 11, 2024: Reader Tips”

      1. Kamala about same % black as Barack Hussein.

        Watched Gone With The Wind the other night. Reading about Hattie McDaniel (Mammie) and how she was criticized by NAACP for playing the role. Responding she said she would “rather make seven hundred dollars a week playing a maid than seven dollars being one”. McDaniel questioned the NAACP president speaking for blacks as he was only 1/8 black. The NAACP president, ironically last name White, had at one time said “I am a Negro. My skin is white, my eyes are blue, my hair is blond. The traits of my race are nowhere visible upon me.” Funny world now just like it was a funny world a long time ago.

    1. The only organizations that would reward a PhD in management with an elevated salary are branches of government; and with zero work experience she is ideally suited to work for them. After instigating a couple of lawsuits against her employer by her subordinates she’d receive glowing references.

        1. Either one works; although you do highlight an important distinction just validated by KJP (the Poodle) getting a promotion – in a liberal government it is impossible to get fired, regardless of how dysfunctional and useless one proves to be. The Poodle Principle.

          1. KJP just recently promoted to Senior Advisor to the President of the United States of America !
            Yes ! she’s advising Biden,,,,,,,,
            My guess is she ‘s getting the promo as a payoff for keeping her mouth shut about all the diaper changes needed,,, and that she doesn’t write about it in her upcoming book. They always write books!

      1. Even governments at all levels do not want new employees with no experience related to any professional or managerial job. I would have thought that her business management courses, which have lots of case studies, would have taught her that adjunct professors are hired because of their expertise and experience.

        I can not fathom why she avoided working in business environments during her BA or MBA. No one gets a job in business management without demonstrated experience managing people. Lots of people are not terribly good at doing this (personality, interpersonal skills etc.)

        Business folks like to hire younger, enthusiastic people who will get things done. Start at the bottom and work up. If successful, you might get to the supervisor level.

        Also, her supervising MBA and PHD professors were remiss, as they should have given her better counselling and advised more networking, job placement programs, internship partnerships and summer jobs in her field. Those opportunities were the most instructive when I got my MBA. A PHD in business management does not qualify a person for running anything.

        Market conditions are important too, and that should have been covered in her business classes. Health care is a future career growth field, but she has no serious credentials there either.

        It is a sad story, but predictable.

  1. Pennsylvanians who would vote for Harris because the Magic Negro showed up to campaign for her must not recall his accusation that they were “clinging to their guns and religion.”

  2. Iranian brothers convicted in US moved to Canada, granted new names by Ontario government

    Two brothers United States authorities had convicted for skirting sanctions on Iran by exporting restricted materials back to their home country managed to legally resettle in Canada after their sentencing with new identities.

    According to documents obtained by Global News, Iranian brothers Amin and Arash Yousefijam were sentenced for using shell companies to illegally export sensitive manufacturing equipment back to their home country of Iran, while living in Michigan in 2021….

    Following their conviction, they returned to Ontario where they had lived previously. Upon arriving, the two applied to have their names changed to Ameen and Aurash Cohen.

    A request that was ultimately granted by the Ontario government in April 2022.

    According to government records, during the time of their application, both were still serving out the remainder of their sentences, which included a supervised period of one year following their release as well as a form of parole….

  3. “On September 24 they filed an 89-page brief in a Florida state court to declare illegal US financing of Israel’s war against Palestine through the purchase of Israeli government bonds with American taxpayer money. Their target is $700 million worth of Israel bonds purchased by the Palm Beach County treasury of Florida on the order of a single man, the county’s chief financial officer Joseph Abruzzo.

    Starting in September 2023, one month before Hamas launched its break-out from Gaza, Abruzzo signed a purchase of $40 million in Israel bonds. Then from October 10 through March 2024 Abruzzo used county taxpayer funds to buy $660 million worth of securities the Israeli government was issuing to cover its warfighting costs.”


  4. New York Times, October 9, 2024
    “65 Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics: What We Saw in Gaza”

    “I worked as a trauma surgeon in Gaza from March 25 to April 8. I’ve volunteered in Ukraine and Haiti, and I grew up in Flint, Mich. I’ve seen violence and worked in conflict zones. But of the many things that stood out about working in a hospital in Gaza, one got to me: Nearly every day I was there, I saw a new young child who had been shot in the head or the chest, virtually all of whom went on to die. Thirteen in total.

    At the time, I assumed this had to be the work of a particularly sadistic soldier located nearby. But after returning home, I met an emergency medicine physician who had worked in a different hospital in Gaza two months before me. “I couldn’t believe the number of kids I saw shot in the head,” I told him. To my surprise, he responded: “Yeah, me, too. Every single day.””


    All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone should be demanding it.

    1. “All killing of all innocents must stop immediately. Everyone should be demanding it.”

      Agreed! Shall we start with Hamas? Shall we try to convince them to surrender their hostages? Shall we attempt to instill them the morality of not raping women, and burning babies alive, or dismembering corpses, then brag about their actions to their relatives back home in Gaza? Of course, I haven’t mentioned the obvious just yet: to STOP KILLING INNOCENT CIVILIANS? 1200 DEAD, 250 hostages taken in an UNPROVOKED attack; Kibbutz burned to the ground, People shot in the streets and in their cars while trying to escape the massacre…

      Let’s start there, shall we? Instead of calling for a cease fire IMMEDIATELY after the attack, which is a cowardly and repugnant act by it’s own right.

      Without accountability, THERE CAN BE NO PEACE!

    2. The more kids dead the better for Hamas, they are doing it. I mean they hide behind women and children everyday then blame the IDF for killing women and children.
      And the trained press clapping like seals harp on about Israel killing women and children.
      Not rocket science.

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