“…have you seen the demographics of my riding?”

National Post- Mélanie Joly’s cowardice lets handful of Montreal voters drive Israel policy

Of the 80,359 eligible voters in the riding in 2021, 13.8 per cent identified as Arab, coming from regions including Algeria, Syria, Morocco, and Lebanon, according to census data. That’s 11,089 voters that Joly cannot afford to lose, especially since she won the riding by less than 10,000 votes in 2015.

14 Replies to ““…have you seen the demographics of my riding?””

    1. As opposed to the antisemitic piece of shyte who calls himself Joe the Albertan, but who really is Achmed the Palestinian terrorist?

      1. Pureblud
        Joke isn’t smart enough to be a terrorist, as he/she/it would put the sewercide vest on backwards and just blow it’s a$$ off, and become a schitt stain.

    2. The gazans could stop the various attacks on their lands by freeing those civilians they’d kidnapped to barter Israel with, and bring those responsible for these kidnappings to the Israelis to deal with.

      Or they can prolong it all, and part of me hopes the gazans hold out until their land is only rubble, in which case the Israelis build a higher and fortified wall on their side, with the promise to nuke the gazans in the next time they attack Israel. The tunnels from Egypt are large enough to drive through, for delivery of anything the gazans may want, so I expect them to attack Israel again when the deliveries resume.
      Hopefully whoever in Israel is with the power does not hesitate to use their nuclear arms against the attackers.

  1. Montreal is the Jewish center in Canada, so I could see her opponent in the next election cycle get a lot of $$$$$ to help beat this antisemitic idiot.

  2. When the Muslim population is low they get along with everybody.
    When they grow in numbers they start to assert their customs and ask for their own laws in their communities.
    When they grow larger in numbers they demand more and more.
    They have gained critical mass in Joly’s riding and through her they are exerting outsized influence.
    There will be more of this given the Liberal’s immigration policy.

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