15 Replies to “I Blame The Socks”

  1. Blackie is congenitally unable to read the big room.
    Pull up your socks and be gone, you petty tyrant.
    Take the money and run.
    Oh, and take Joly, Freeland, and your other stable of slags with you.
    You all have done disgusting damage to our country, and I will never forget or forgive.

  2. Even while The Times reports on the Trudeau’s decline in popularity, it refers to Pierre Poilievre’s “incendiary language” …. I haven’t heard any of Pierre’s incendiary language.
    The Times is having difficulty keeping their bias at bay.

    It’s safe to expect the next leader of the #Libranos will be in for a terrific MSM tongue bath.

    1. It was written by a typical progressive, dismissing a Conservative as unworthy regardless of popularity while bemoaning the Spawn’s fall from grace as almost tragic. I got a kick out of the LPC not having anyone of his (the Spawn’s) caliber to replace him when in reality he surrounded himself with sycophants. I want the Spawn to hang on through the next election and drag his party into near oblivion.

  3. The fckn retard should never have been a leader of anything.
    He’s living proof that God hates smug, piss swilling Canadians.

  4. “During a stopover in New York for the United Nations general assembly last week, he appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to rapturous applause.”

    The writer is unfamiliar that all of the shows have multiple applause signs to make sure the applause happens at the correct time, and of course, long before they take the stage, the producers make everyone practice the correct way to applause…

  5. As an American, I must ask my northern neighbors, why now? Why not at any point in the last 9 years? He’s been a twit since the first time I ever heard of him. How has he hung on this long?

  6. So many things wrong with this article. I wont complain for long but, seriously WTF ?

    “The NDP had withdrawn their support in the Lib/NDP coalition”… or something to that effect… thats not true… Jagderp and Turdholes people worked out a deal with the Blok so that the Turdhole could stay in power while the NDP gets to pretend they no longer support their coalition partners in crime.

    Turdhole is still the WEF ruler in the PMO.
    Its deliberate misleading imo.

    As far as Turdhole and Colberts row boating each other in front of an audience on CIA TV … who cares? So what if a crowd of rabid leftist cultists cheer for one of their very own tyrants … how is that impressive? at least those mindless drones dont have to live under the authoritarian rule of the lawless POS they cheer on…
    Hooray for the law breaking protest stomping bank account freezing WEF psychopath… yay!
    They’ll have a difficult time washing out the stench of sulfur in that studio.

    The author of the article is also of the belief that being, “handsome” is a Turdhole virtue, as if “handsomeness” is a reason to vote for a candidate.
    Turdholes record is so pathetic that the only positive thing to be said of him during his reign of terror, destruction and criminality is the opinion that he is, “handsome”. What utter horseshit.

    He is as “handsome” as Paul Bernardo or Ted Bundy… the media thought those two loathsome degenerates
    were “handsome” too.
    Give me a break for FFS.

    Even the “walk in the snow” bs nauseates me… Ive been hearing that garbage my whole life… I have a better idea… why not walk off a cliff instead…? and take feckless Jagderp and half the Liberal cabinet and Klaus anal Schwab with ya.

    The article manages to be more negative in its few references towards Pierre Pollievre than Juthtin the Turdhole of the Post Nation State.

    Perhaps my utter contempt for that monstrous pile of excrement clouds my perspective.
    Juthtin the Turdhole is despised for many reasons, but not despised enough imo.
    He is a psychopath a narcissist and a petty and malicious brain damaged tyrant.
    Please, go for a walk in the snow and pray for an avalanche.

    1. ya. the ‘handsome’ angle applied to turdhole senior as well.
      l knew then what it meant, that boney face of his, freckles and thinning hair AINT HANDSOME.
      its the POWER that comes with orifice (get it?) ‘handsome’ ye gawds.

  7. it ‘went wrong’ at every step that led him to the pmo.
    because he was UNSUITED TO THE JOB. no business sense, no work ethic. lived in bubble.
    etc. right from the start. but very successful at being a Liberal and some sort of pied piper.

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