I Want A New Country

Colby Cosh;

I was a little sorry, I admit, not to see 2024’s most exciting new form of wokeness get more attention in the press. I am referring, of course, to Alberta denialism. Late last month a few people noticed that a research questionnaire on “2SLGBTQ+” poverty, part of a federally funded project by St. Mary’s University in Halifax, was being published in search of Alberta participants — and so the questionnaire asked “Do you live in Alberta?”

Available multiple-choice answers were “Yes,” “No,” and the hyper-modern third option: “I do not recognize the province of Alberta, but live in a region within the geographic boundaries of what is known as the province of Alberta.”

10 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. I work in a technical/artistic field that provides contracted services for a federal government department. I get a lot of people sending me resumes, and then follow-up phone calls, just to see if there are any openings. My favourite throw away line –always over the phone, is “we don’t currently have any openings” followed by, “and while it’s not an official policy, generally speaking we don’t acknowledge degrees from ______ (it’s always Concordia or Simon Fraser).”

    You should all stop acknowledging the ‘so-called’ university on the unceded territory known as the University of…..whatever.

  2. I do not recognize planet Earth but live in a region called the universe which includes Earth within its limitless boundaries.

    1. I do reside on a colonized planetary body but I do not recognize the planet claimed by humans called Turtle Island.

  3. “the hyper-modern third option” which was historically referred to as ‘treason against the Crown.’

    Not that I put great stock in the Crown and it’s doings these days, but it is always good to know the meanings of things.

  4. They left out the option I would need. “‘Alberta’? I am a complex transdimensional being, and know little of this ‘Alberta’ of which you speak.”

  5. Given that this poll had something to do with the alphabet people, it would be consistent that it include some level of deviancy. IOW, biological and psychological deviancy may be consistent with geographical and or psycho-epistemological deviancy.

    1. In short, the alphabet people don’t know where they are, nor do they have a grasp, let alone a theory, of knowledge.

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