28 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. Back in the early days of my working life I was a charter bus driver for a Mississauga company. My driving instuctor was a company honcho. Later I was a school bus driver in Alberta; no training was required. (Mind you, I did have that charter bus licence.)

    1. I used to respect every large truck driver on the road. However, here in CA … I don’t trust the young Mexicans I see behind the wheels … they drive their trucks with Latino machismo … as if they were in their low-rider Buick Riviera. God knows how and where they obtained their Class A drivers license?

  2. A previous job had me doing business with quite a number of those people. Crooked, lying, cheating, unscrupulous bastards…every last one of them. Without exception, they continually f*ck the government, their employees, customers, and suppliers. No bullshit…in my ten years with that job I NEVER met an honest one. I never spoke with one unless I rolled tape which really pissed them off once we got into a mess that ended up on our lawyer’s desk because they tried to f*ck me, too.

    The business I’m in now is pretty upscale with prices to match, which usually repels those folks. Occasionally I’ll get one looking for a quote, since they’d screwed everyone else and there’s no one left for them to do business with. Those inquiries always turn out like I’m operating a street bazaar booth in Karachi and ends with a polite and alternately worded, “That’s the price…cash up front…f*ck or walk.”

    1. I used to be a commercial interior designer in Toronto. My friends would tease me about doing “Italian or Greek Wedding Palaces” (aka banquet halls). I did a banquet hall for people from India and actually sent a letter to Etobicoke City Hall letting them know that I was no longer associated with the project. The clients did not want to follow the stringent rules set out in the building code for A2 Public Assembly Occupancy. The clients were trying to screw over all of the suppliers and going with “less than special” people whose prices were rock bottom because they were not following the specifications of the building code. I could see a “whole bunch of trouble” on the horizon and sent the clients a registered letter formally withdrawing from the contract. Do not know if Etobicoke followed up on the project, do not care.

    1. here in Peterborough we have hundreds completing their driver’s test, simply because they could not pass in the city where they live

  3. Knew a guy who worked at a truck repair shop, and the stories were hilarious. The hole in the floor is a fact.

    Kid, the 6-pak is bonus pay , as the driver charges them a fee.

    1. A variation on Broken Window. Theory. We’ve been tolerating some crimes for so long other crimes now seem “normal.”

  4. Watched a guy last month attempt to do a straight backup with a flat deck B-train in an alley 40′ wide. All he had to do was reverse about the length of the rig. He’d pull ahead to straighten out, put it in reverse & immediately start wildly steering. Took him 8 tries. It was painful to watch. Yes, he was Middle Eastern.

    If you can’t bloody well back up, you shouldn’t be able to get a license to drive forward.

    Yet, at least here in Wild Rose Country, it allegedly takes a minimum of of 6 months and around 10 grand to get your class 1. The politicians are all patting themselves on the back for the appearance of doing something after the Humbolt affair.

    1. ya gotta cut the guy a bit of slack.. backing up a super-B takes a ton of practice. Also we gotta be a bit more careful when it comes to assigning ethnicity to these drivers… I would say the majority of straight truck-quad gravel haulers, and lumber haulers in Alberta are Sikh.

      1. ya gotta cut the guy a bit of slack..

        Horse shit. If you do any steering at all while backing up straight from an inline position, it’s gentle movements, even if it’s not a super-B. You don’t start by cranking a turn or more. He was turning the wheel before he even moved the rig.

        This guy was not Sikh (no turban).

    2. ” it allegedly takes a minimum of of 6 months and around 10 grand to get your class 1″

      This is why they cheat, and we’re kinda lucky that they do or no one would be driving trucks. Why would anyone spend six months and ten grand on training for a job that pays next to nothing?

  5. If you drive in Brampton and don’t wait at least 5sec after your red light changes green you’ll be nailed by the asian 18-wheelers running the red. It’s just part of driving there.

    Years ago some guy was complaining on AM Talk 640 about how brampton has the highest insurance rates in the country and it wasn’t “fair”. I laughed at that: how could you be in such denial about the driving abilities of the vast majority of the people living there? Maybe what he meant but didn’t say was it’s not fair to bring in boatloads of future liberal voters who will never assimilate and drive costs sky-high, driving included.

    But as for high auto insurance: politicians lie. Especially liberals. The media lies. Actuarial tables don’t.


    1. In Calgary it’s the same. However, it isn’t restricted to just the boys from Punjab (although they are the worst). The majority of truckers treat their rigs as intimidation weapons.
      I’ve even seen one trucker run a red light on a left turn causing another truck to lose its load of pipe. The stress of slamming on the brakes snapped the belts. Both drivers involved were white.

  6. It’s not just the company that does the testing, it’s also the MTO who isn’t bothering to investigate complaints or looking at who passed these drivers when they investigate the incidents they inevitably get involved in.

  7. I thought all these new Canadian drivers turned in their license issued in Karachi for a brand new shiny Canadian Class 1. No need to bribe anyone in Canada. I stand to be corrected.

  8. To be fair:
    At least they’re working
    Getting out of the house and away from the 14 other people because there is no affordable housing kinda makes sense.

  9. Sunrise Driving School in Calgary AB was only the tip of the iceberg. When you find one, it is as certain as your eventual death that there will be many more.

  10. A similar thing happened here in Richmond, BC years ago, when about 400 Chinese were caught buying their driver’s licenses. If I remember correctly, after that scam was exposed they began a new one: a government inspector, not in on the scheme, who travelled around the province doing road tests in smaller communities noticed the same people from Richmond taking and re-taking the tests hundreds of miles from where they lived.

  11. Like that is a surprise.
    Anyone that had anything to do with those from the subcontinent will know that bribery scam is very much a normal way of doing business by the new and old immigrants from those parts.
    Because you maybe a racist, import of the practice will become mainstream as the immigrants get preferential positions in this country.

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