4 Replies to “Not So Fast”

  1. I’d like to see an example of mooselimbs organizing a vigil in support of infidel victims of mmooselimb rape. Anywhere on the planet really. Or say a protest against mooselimb violence against infidels.

    /—crickets chirping—/

  2. I remember seeing a Pew Research Poll taken across the globe that polled Muslims about 8 or 9 years ago where the question was…”Do you support suicide bombings and violence against civilians in order to defend Islam?”

    The amusing thing about the results is how they bent over backwards to point out that 70% to 80% didn’t think it was justified. They totally ignored the 20% to 30% who thought it was fine. Considering there are over 2 Billion Muslims in the world, those ok with the violence is a pretty high number.

  3. Of course there hasn’t. Our “elites” don’t need it confirmed that Muslims hate Jews and consider killing Jews a religious sacrament. They know that. That’s why the “elites” like the Muslims so much. The Muslims are happy to do the Jew-killing, giving “elites” plausible deniability.

    What the “elites” actually want is to keep the perfectly obvious hushed up as long as possible.

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