38 Replies to “October 12, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. Close your eyes and think of Kremlin = Freddie’s peace plan.

      Yet again proving that IQ scale starts at one Freddie.

      1. Peace was at hand more that two years ago, but the US and Britain scuttled it.

        “According to the Ukrainian delegation, Putin “demonstrated a genuine effort to find a realistic compromise and achieve peace.” Oleksandr Chalyi, a member of the Ukrainian negotiating team, said, “We managed to find a very real compromise. We were very close in the middle of April, in the end of April, to finalize our war with some peaceful settlement.”


        1. “Peace was at hand more that two years ago, but the US and Britain scuttled it.”

          Exactly. The west not only started this conflict but actively sought to keep it going. They are still doing so. FOR MONEY.

          What a sickening and depraved disregard for human lives (hi Jessica!)…

        2. No it is a myth. the moment evidence of atrocities in Bucha came out there was no chance for peace. The whole possibility of peace prior to Bucha is also very much a myth that ork supporters like to regurgitate and then quote each other. It is mostly out of context bullshit.

          Either way April was before Ukraine recovered land in Kharkov and Kherson.

          Besides if you recall Pootin’s demands from December 2021 you would understand that there was never a chance for peace. Russia needs to be eliminated and a maximum number of orks needs to be made good, that is a necessary condition for peace. Without it, any peace would just allow orks to regroup, rearm and attack again.

          1. Damn, so you’re a Pootin and a Paleosimian fellator. You’re like the worst of both words.

    2. At the current rate of conquest Russia will occupy Ukraine in 1,000 years. By then they will have suffered 300 million casualties. I wouldn’t call that an ass whooping.

      1. As far as I know, Russia has never indicated it was willing to fight to occupy all of Ukraine. It just wants a safe haven for Russians living in eastern Ukraine.

        1. Then you either don’t know what you’re talking about or purposefully distorting facts (I am betting on the latter). Russia wanted to absorb half of Ukraine, cripple and manipulate the rest, then onto Moldova, then Baltics, then Poland.

          In December 2021 Pootin demanded NATO out of Baltics, and no NATO bases in Poland. He demanded to control the sizes of Baltic and Polish armed for(es and what kind of weapons they could have.

          “Denazification” of Ukraine meaning decapitation of all anti russian elites, politicians and bureaucrats. Which is exactly what the subhuman orks did in areas that Ukraine did not manage to evacuate in time.

          Even today as conditions for negotiations of peace, not peace itself, just negotiations Lavrov demands Ukraine abandoning all of Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Luganda and Donbabwe including the parts Ukraine holds today. It of course also demands that Ukraine throws herself at the mercy of the horde and pays reparations to the horde.

          Russia is cancer, Muscovy delenda est… (don’t forget the salt).

      2. Nice try SCARP, butt no seagar. Your just too emotionally compromised to have a reasonable view of the situation over there. The Russians and Puteen ain’t the problem. The problem is the STUPIDITY you and some others in here display.

        1. Putin Puffer, you ain’t exactly dazzling us with your brilliance. After the initial Russian conquest and Ukrainian recapture, Russia has conquered 1/10 of 1% of Ukraine’s area per year. The best Ukrainian strategy is to wait them out. That’s how the US has managed to lose every war in the last 80 years. They timed out.

          1. ” The best Ukrainian strategy is to wait them out. ”

            They don’t have nearly enough time. The rate that Russia takes new territory, now that they have gotten their act together militarily, is directly proportional to the amount of resistance that the Ukrainians can muster…and that resistance is fading fast. Do I need to explain how a war of attrition works?

            “That’s how the US has managed to lose every war in the last 80 years. They timed out.”

            Oh, please…*politics* has ended every US war in recent memory, not military ability.

          2. ^^^ Freddie, the walking embodiment of Dunning-Kruger effect regurgitates ork propaganda while pretending to be an authority. Ever since the war started the subhuman was projecting Ukrainian defeat tomorrow.

      3. “At the current rate of conquest Russia will occupy Ukraine in 1,000 years. ”

        The easy answer to that is “only if the Ukrainian birthrate miraculously increases by 1000% and the young people stop fleeing the country to avoid conscription”.

        But upon reflection, that’s not quite true…Ukraine will run out of cannon fodder long before even the next two generations are old enough to fight, never mind all the ones to follow (and I’m being conservative in that estimate).

        Reality just doesn’t care about your feelings, sorry. Ukraine has no path to ‘victory’ here *without direct NATO intervention*, and everyone with a working brain knows it even if they choose to keep denying that fact.

  1. RCMP enter the election by running ads opposing the Sask Marshal Service.
    Will that mean their members will target Sask Party supporters and give the NDP supporters a break?

    “NPF president Brian Sauvé says the union is not trying to lead people to vote for any particular party.
    “Are we influencing the voter or are we educating the voter about an issue they might not be aware of?” he said.
    “I see it as educating the voter. We might be talking semantics, you might take a different view but, hey, [if] someone wants to file a complaint under the Saskatchewan Election Act, I’m happy to respond.””


  2. Apparently some liberal MP’s have discovered they have a backbone and are going to pressure Trudeau to step down.
    This could be a leadership contender making their move before the house burns down or about 20-30 MP’s realizing they stand a better chance at reelection if they run as independent and will sit as independents for the remainder of this session. This is effective if 27 do so, that’s the magic number that exceeds the NDP caucus so that Trudeau can’t survive a confidence vote when the Bloc gets its turn next week.

    1. By definition, none of the pricks have a spine. They’re [spit] Prog, pinko, commie Lieberals. This is merely the survival aspect of the reptile portion of their primitive brains kicking in. Nothing will change w/ Prinz Blackface of Elbowgate gone. It may even get worse.

      Personally, I want him at the helm right up to the bitter end so that when the Lieberals get Kim Campbell’d the shot to his fragile ego will make him want to MAiD himself.

    1. Matt is upset that his side is losing.

      Hamas and Hezbollah could surrender, but they prefer to pursue their genocidal policies of exterminating the Jews.

  3. Fun movie for the whole family.

    “WALL•E is set in the far future where humans have left Earth on a giant ship called the Axiom because of all the garbage pile-up. The only known inhabits now are an adorable robot named WALL•E, who must keep up the mess and his cockroach friend Hal. However, all that changes when WALL•E meets a robot named EVE and falls in love with her. Soon the two robots are heading into space and onto the Axiom on a mission that could bring humankind back to Earth.”


      1. “If Gaza health system stopped storing explosives and weapons in their facilities, it would last longer.”

        Yes, the school system too. And the mosques. Either STOP SUPPORTING TERRORISTS, or stop complaining when they get you killed.

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