12 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

    1. TurdHole is much to arrogant to listen to anybody – Xi and Schwab excepted. Let the little rooster lollipop hold on. I just want to see the Lieberals receive maximum hurt.

      And Coyne still cries himself to sleep every night because he can’t be TurdHoles b. buddy.

  1. Obama’s an asshole.
    And he’s a racist.
    How many of his “brothers” live in Martha’s Vineyard?
    And if they don’t vote for Kackles they’re deplorables.
    Millions of Americans loath the man because of the content of his character, not the color of his skin.

  2. This morning’s Veep Thoughts with Kamala Harris just set off my 3-months old Welsh Springer pup. Even HE can’t stand her voice, lol.

  3. Without clicking on the link, I’d expect any file said to contain the “Deep thoughts of Kama-LaLa Harris” to be completely & entirely empty…

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