31 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. Never heard of it, but looks like a flaming Yute making coin in the performing queering world of degeneracy. Bill Maher’s world……………..

      1. Mahar didn’t get anything right. All he did was say, “See? The Left questions (a little bit of) its policies!”

        He just compared beans to rat turds. Then he claimed they’re the same because both are similar in size.

  2. Rich for Maher to use the Bible for a quote after his « Religulous » documentary. He is smart for a lefty ( classical Dem) but too much of a whore to speak out too much truth which HBO would not approve of.
    Since a couple of years, because of his criticism, his popularity via right wing sites views has soared, so, I believe Billy has been more vocal against his side which is rich with insane positions anyway, to get these views…he was on FOX’s Gutfeld not to long ago, Gutfeld had been the number one late night show for at least a year now.
    He does not like Harris and what the Democrat party has become but too much of a sell out to declare he would vote for Trump or simply sit out this election.
    For this particular video he correctly comes to the rescue of Israel maybe only because he is a Jew…again reminding you that he should not care about ANY religion like the message from his Documentary.

    1. Yes, “the Bible checks out” is a bit rich. Like all leftist pukes, he is happy to cherry pick the bits of the Bible that support their position.

      Here is the problem: how do you prove the Jews of Europe were the same Jewish people that lived in what was Palestine? in fact the Bible makes very clear that there were many, many converts to the faith delivered to Abraham, prior to the tine of the Christ. They were of multiple ethnicities.

      If that is valid, then how can Maher claim the Dutch had no connection to Africa? I will bet every Dutch person had at least one distant African ancestor.

      See how silly this argument is?

      1. I am reading 1 Samuel of the old Testament in the Bible. The current chapters are of the first King, King Saul and his descent into paranoia. He is tasking David (who killed Goliath – a Palestinian/Philistine) with “impossible” tasks. I just read that he wanted David to kill 100 Philistines and bring their foreskins to him for proof. David kills 200 and brings 200 foreskins (I am thinking maybe he just sliced off their penises – easier and all that!). Even in 1,000B.C., the Jews were having problems with the Palestinians!

      2. He uses the Bible as a reference, then undermines his own point by saying it was wrong about this, this and this. You know, just wiping his butt with it because we all know where his audience stands with respect to Christianity. The obligatory swipe at it, also lying about what it says about slavery. He advises that young weirdo to distance herself from those genocidal terrorist organizations, while he has both feet planted in the camp that birthed these useful idiots and other assorted leftist brown shirts.

        1. BINGO, as I said above, he is your typical self-loathing Jew, and is the epitome of the Broken Clock/Blind Squirrel analogy.
          He’s still a repugnant Demarxist, though he goes off the reservation every now and then, like this

  3. I am going to play devil’s advocate: here is what the South will say about the State of Israel (note, never refers to itself as the Nation of Israel). That Jews have lived there for thousands of years, there is no dispute. So have Greeks, Turks, Persians, Egyptians and Arabs. The unique claim that Israel can only be a Jewish ethnostate is likely what the global South is haggling about. In addition, they will argue “can Shmuely from Krakow or Kiev legitimately trace his ancestry to Palestine? Or is he actually a Roman, or Greek, or Babylonian or Egyptian Jew?”

    The Jewish State does make extraordinary and very far-reaching claims. It is also in the process of committing what is effectively ethnic cleansing in Gaza and South Lebanon. They may indeed have a case to do so, but I don’t see how they will convince the BRICS states of this. In the years ahead as the US collapses into degeneracy and bankruptcy, flipping off potential allies in BRICS may come back to bite them in the ass.

    If I were Israeli, I’d have been demanding the end of the fighting after Gaza was flattened. Not seeking to expand the war into the North, and taking on Iran.

    1. That’s because you’re stupid. Arabs are raining down rockets on Israel every day, and you’re talking about “demanding the end of the fighting”. Genius.

      It only takes one side to fight, Mr. Roll. They stop when they are stopped. Not before. What is it about this reality Lefties find so hard to understand?

      1. I am no lefty you cumb dunt. But it isn’t Israeli cities that have been wiped off the map. The Israelis pound Gaza and South Lebanon daily with artillery and rockets – and have done since 1982 in Lebanon and 2008 in Gaza. The Israelis bombed the Iranian Embassy in Damascus. That alone is casus belli to get them nuked – read International Law some time. You might learn something, 80-IQ reddit boi.

        1. When you remove a cancer, you have to remove ALL the cancer.

          Israel is only trying to remove ALL the cancer infecting her.

          1. Yes, Israel is morally correct in returning the war to the places where the missiles come from. Which now includes Iran. If the Muslims around Israel want peace then they need to stop flinging missles and running away / hiding behind schools and hospitals.

          2. “When you remove a cancer, you have to remove ALL the cancer.”

            Hitler called exterminating the Jews in Europe a “public health” issue, too.

        2. The Arabs started this whole mess in 1967, or is that before you were born, so it doesn’t exist? History counts……
          Various factions in the Arab world have continued their attack of Israel, off and on, ever since, despite losing, losing, and losing again. The IDF has punched back 10x as hard as the low lifes attacked Israel, yet they still never learn.
          So, Oct 7th comes around, over 1,000 Jews were murdered by the camel boys, most ever in one attack since WW2, in case you forgot. You bet that Bibi and Co are pissed, and are going about it to ensure that EVERYONE gets the message.
          When someone speaks, understand what they say and what it means ………….”From the river to the sea…………..”
          Israel is showing the world what FAFO means. Good on them.

    2. I’m pretty sure you know all of this already by how you framed the above, but in case there are any newcomers lurking who haven’t seen this point of view of recent history:

      It is also in the process of committing what is effectively ethnic cleansing in Gaza and South Lebanon.

      That’s because the Arab states in the region are not mature enough to admit that they lost the wars. Over a million Germans kicked out of their home nations after WWII. No German camps surrounding where they used to live. The same order of magnitude of Jews were ejected from nations surrounding Israel at its formation as Arabs that stood aside and left Israel (or were ejected as some will say) at its formation.

      The Germans and Jews were accepted into their nations because they were of our people. The Arabs were never accepted into the surrounding nations. And because they had left before the war, they were not welcomed back into Israel. We are now at the 4th or 5th generation for these “refugees” (the UN declared that that status can be generational) and the populations in the camps have been increasing year-over-year since their foundation. And those in the camps are “educated” to know that they will never have a home nation until they kill all of the Israelies.

      There are many Arabic speaking and Muslim governed nations. And none have said “come and live with us, brothers and sisters.” If those within the “refugee camps” (permanent buildings in 70 year old towns/cities) continue to attack Israel, is there any other option than ethnic cleansing for Israel to still exist and live in peace?

      1. It would sure be convenient for Israel if all of the Arabs left to never return. This is called “ethnic cleansing.” Neighboring states want nothing to do with it.

        1. That seems to be the only way to achieve a lasting peace. They gave them the Gaza, and in thanks they were attacked from the Gaza. This has been going on for a while and the Hamas have vowed to keep it up with the assistance of UNRWA and help from Iran. If it was not going to stop on its own then I don’t see what option the Israelis had. They also had to keep providing Hamas with power and water (at the insistence of the International Community and UNRWA) which must have really irritated them since they were a declared enemy who wanted to commit genocide on the Jewish people. Maybe you should look up genocide and compare it to ethnic cleansing and decide which is worse. Your answer will reveal who you really are.

        2. Wrong. 20% of the current Israeli population is Arab. They are peaceful and accepting of their good lives that they live in a Democratic country. No one wants to rid the country of them, nor do they leave, BECAUSE they are peaceful and accepting and LIKE LIFE IN ISRAEL.
          Fact checked.
          Back to your Bong!

  4. Answer: Bill Maher…Bill Ackman.
    Question: “Who are Leftists who made a shit ton of money over the years espousing left wing nonsense until Team Israel got the horns from the very people they thought were their friends?”

    Don’t get me wrong…I hope Israel wipes the slate clean – but I don’t give a shit about these Johnny come latelys who’ve suddenly had a road to Damascus moment.

    1. Burpton

      Cucks like you are the problem on the right. It’s never up to your standard, so you attack. I’v seen the same all over the net, Tulsi Gabard, Elon Musk, now Ackman. One has to wonder if FOOLS like you measure up to your own purity standards.

  5. Kudos for whoever wrote that.
    And kudos to Maher for his brilliant delivery.
    I’m a certified geezer long past being a seeker of purity and perfection.
    I reject all negative hits on Maher above. He speaks the truth and whether or not he’s perfectly consistent (how boring that would be eh?) matters not one whit to me.

    One quibble: At the end he says that right and wrong are kinda binary.
    No Bill, not kinda binary. Binary. Full stop.

  6. Amazing to me that Ukraine’s 1992 borders are sacrosanct, but Israel can keep moving its border at will, and Syria’s border is little more than a guideline, and we can occupy its territory and take its oil, but Kuwait’s border was worth a giant war, and Kosovo, well, we can carve that out, etc, etc, etc.

    It’s called the “rules-based order” and it means that we make the rules, and they are situational.

  7. Bill, IDF soldiers homosexually raped prisoners. Israeli parliamentarians and the Israel press DEFENDED the homosexual rape of prisoners by the IDF.

    That’s YOUR team, Bill.

    Consider the possibility that both sides are pure evil. Islam and Israel are cousins. This is a family feud between two very nasty groups of people. There are no good guys in this fight. None.

    As for occupiers, the Bible you refer to specifically and explicitly SAYS that Moses and the tribes invaded and occupied the land. It wasn’t their homeland. They killed the people living there the first time around.

    Now, there is no archeological evidence that any of this happened, but that’s YOUR story, Bill. “Your people” are self-described occupiers. That doesn’t mean the natives are good people. But attacking nasty people doesn’t make you good. Successive Israeli governments gave Hamas over one BILLION dollars. You might want to ask yourself why they did that.

    Look at the relative TFR for Israel and surrounding communities, look at the 70% kill rate on Gazan women and children, and you might arrive at an answer.

      1. Embrace the power of “and”… as in “Israel AND Islam are cousins, they both arise from the same evil family, and, as we watch them work hard to kill each other, we wish them both the best of luck.”

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