21 Replies to “The Renaming Of Everything Continues”

  1. Sorry … my people cannot pronounce an x with a seagull flying over it. Not gonna say the intentionally unpronounceable word.

  2. Forever, the Queen Charlotte lslands, Strait of Georgia and Powell River will be called those names, not the word salad of native names THEY are shoving down our throats.
    The hilarious part of all this, is that THEY spell out the unpronounceable native jargon in hieroglyphics.
    The natives never had a written language!
    They lived, essentially, a caveman existence. They had not even discovered The Wheel.
    But like the Greenies, THEY know everything!

  3. Hilarious to watch the #NDPee digging their own grave here.

    How many #NativeLanguage nerds are there in BC to vote for this compared to house painters and truck drivers who will line up to vote against it?

    1. I wish, but looks like just enough people still being fooled by “anti-vaxxer, Free munny, drugs are cool, hateful words, capitalism sux” mantras.
      The brainwashing continues for another four years, just long enough for the Commies to give it all away.
      These same Low Info voters just cant see that things are worse everywhere after 7 years of ENDP cult rule and failures. The old axiom applies, things have to get a lot worse before they get better.
      The Low Infos now believe that the Endies have just come up with all these solutions in the last 3 weeks, that they’ve had 7 years of failure, but only NOW, will they provide ‘solutions’.

  4. Their election slogan “taking action for you”. Why can’t they take action that does something like at the gas pump or the food store?
    Asking for a friend.

  5. “Thomas joined the provincial Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport as an Indigenous youth intern in 2019,”
    A no nothing wanna be big chief with no education is being allowed to implement this costly insane renaming madness.

    1. The “glottal stop” is the first character in the word. How do you have a stop before you’ve started?

    1. No worries – all those new indigenous archeologists being churned out
      will soon find the new rosetta stone for us.

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