Wake Up Call for American Independents

33 reasons not to vote for Kamala Harris:

21 Replies to “Wake Up Call for American Independents”

  1. Ackman’s list is actually cogent and well written. Most of his points are beyond dispute, and the rest are at least defensible.

    1. Who knew that an investor and fund manager could be so literate … it’s almost as if he’s been properly educated … unlike the kids being “socially promoted” in our schools today.

      And anyone with a reasonable education and “skin in the game” recognizes the 33 points are indisputable. Yet … I believe in FREE SPEECH … so dispute away!

      Although he did make ONE mistake that the Lefties love to jump on. He said that shoplifters break no laws. WRONG! Their crimes (under $950 shoplifting) have been reduced to misdemeanors. However since NO CA DA’s “have the resources” to prosecute misdemeanors … the thieves go free. And yes, all the retailers (except gay sex toy shops) have fled San Francisco.

  2. Ha! And people say Harris has no policies. Well, there’s 33 of ’em right there.

    If you like those policies, vote for Kamalala and you can keep those policies.

    “But, but, but.. Trump is a buffoon and makes mean tweets.”

    Yah, but… we already have had 4 years of Trump, and his policies were the antithesis of those 33 policies that we’ve seen in the ~3.5 years of the Biden/Harris administration. Remind me again how Trump became a dictator and jailed people who disagreed with him, crashed the economy, printed money like there was no tomorrow, defunded the police, got the US into wars all over the place, regulated the snot out of every business, used incendiary rhetoric to incite followers to assassinate his opponents, and was trying to raise taxes to eyewatering levels. Oh wait… he didn’t. That was somebody else.

    Anyone who has lived through the Trump/Pence and Biden/Harris administrations has enough firsthand experience to know how Trump and Harris would each carry out the duties of the Office of The President. If you are still undecided after the past 7.5 years, I suspect might also be undecided about what color of socks should be worn today.

    1. D’ya remember when Trump tried, and tried, to get his own “Republican” Congress to FUND the border wall!? D’ya remember he couldn’t get a DIME for the project … so he had to find a military funding slush fund to build a partial section of wall?

      And what happens after Trump’s 4 years of struggling with Congress … esp. his OWN “Republican” Party ? The border was thrown WIDE OPEN by the Biden/Harris/Obama Admin. Wide Open … tens of millions of illegals and FAKE asylum seekers (who will never show up to their hearings).

      Will President Trump ‘47’ have a compliant Congress who will finally see the wisdom in WALLING OFF our border from all the illegal interlopers? How can our Leaders continue to pretend we don’t need a border wall and border laws to ensure America welcomes the brightest and best … not the dullest and the least? … not criminals and mental patients?

  3. THe comments on X are worth reading. This in particular:
    “Each one of the 33 points you raised is valid. None can be argued against or denied, and you’re fully entitled to those. If anything, I would just add one additional point which you’ve spoken about on a number of occasions but isn’t in your 33. And that is the weaponization of the mainstream media to manipulate and deliberately deceive the American public. There are hundreds of examples of this, but a few that stand out are the way ABC collaborated with Kamala Harris using a sorority friend and another biased mediator for the debate which has been proven to be biased, deceptive and riddled with lies. The fact checking was one sided and the broadcaster intentionally sabotaged and ambushed Trump and is equivalent to election interference. A second recent example is the interview with 60 Minutes which has now been shown to be deliberately edited to deceive the audience. The manner in which the media has been used by the Democrats as a weapon of not just propaganda, but malicious propaganda and manipulation of the truth is so unAmerican and defiles the first amendment. It has denied the American people the ability to make honest informed decisions and to hide Kamala from scrutiny and criticism.

    Your post as a whole is refreshing and cathartic in that it offers a light of honesty and truth when so much of this election has been dogged by deceit and lies.”

    Here’s Ackman’s thoughtful response:

    “You are spot on and that could have been on the list. I didn’t include it as I blame the media rather than Biden/Harris or the Democratic Party on that issue.”

  4. Nice of Mr. Bill to finally pull his head out of his @$$. This has only been going on since the 1980s, right?

    Welcome to the party, pal.

  5. And he said that a foreign adversary would employ each of the 33 things if they were plotting to destroy America from within. I seem to recall a Paul Harvey dialogue along those same lines … and his list wasn’t even 33 points long.

    How far we’ve fallen … and America is now grabbing onto ANYTHING just to save our Republic (NOT a Democracy)

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