60 Replies to “Absolutely Amazing!”

  1. Prepare for the movie out in twenty years that says that this was accomplished by a black lesbian womyn, who without her knowledge and expertise that no one else had, the whole thing would never happen.

    1. The “hidden figures” of Musk’s genius … right? He didn’t build that … black lesbians did. Oh wait! Black lesbians who suffered racism, and homophobia … they even needed a “Green Book” to find a hotel room or dining establishment

  2. Elon to NASA and Boeing: Hold my beer.

    Tinkering as I do on the fringes of the tech involved to make stuff like this happen, it is not surprising that SpaceX has managed to accomplish this.

    Thus the question forms: WTF is wrong with Boeing and NASA that they haven’t come close?

    1. “I know! I know!” Both Boeing and NASA are “make work programs for idiots” same as all levels of government. Do the minimum of work to collect the maximum paycheque.
      I am currently finishing off the Nevil Shute Collection on KOBO. The current book is “Slide Rule, An Autobiography”. He was born in 1899 and died in 1960. He absolutely loved “messing about” with airplanes and all sort of flight. He was involved in the aeronautical industry between the wars and then was involved in top secret work for the British government during World War II (especially after they found out what he had done in the 1920’s and 1930’s). Then after World War II he started writing novels – mostly about planes, boats and Australia. He just had that “questing mind” which leads to so many discoveries.

    2. having autism myself l have to attribute that to a big part of Elon’s methods and success.
      when you tell a potential advertiser to f off, clearly truth matters more that DEI.
      the way it works, some of us can hold huge amounts of information in our head at any time. bullshit creates contradictions which requires more time to root it out.
      the truth will be consistent across issues and over time.
      etc etc. aka grade 9 guidance office “you have *significantly* above average analytical skills”. the look on the faces of the braggarts was worth it when l flashed my number. naturally the common reaction was not ‘we wuz wrong’ but ‘there must be a mistake’.

    3. Groupd think; bureaucracy and Boeing being taken from its engineering traditions to be run by finance peoples-kind, just like what happened to General Electric.

  3. One of the greatest feats of engineering in all of human history. Which will promptly be ignored by our media masters.

    YouTube lately with these “sign in to confirm you’re not a bot” messages, with every single instance pertaining to videos or entities (in this case Public Enemy #2 Elon Musk) opposed to the Deep State/DNC/State-Run Media or the election of Komrade Kamala.

      1. The shots of the control room look like a fairly natural mix of people. Heavy on the black plastic glasses. They look like slightly lispy, tesla driving, Starbucks drinking versions of the 1960s rocket scientists you see in old clips.

  4. I have a friend from Boston, and his family, visiting me in Vermont right now. At dinner last night, he said the following: “Isn’t it interesting how Elon Musk was a true hero of the Left for all he did with electric cars. Then suddenly, almost overnight, he has become one of their greatest villains.” True.

    Joseph Goebbels, the infamous German Nazi propaganda minister must be looking up from hell in admiration at the power the Democrats, CIA, and mainstream media have to so easily influence weak minds.

    1. Yeah …. Goebbels would be delighted with the control of the mass media cartel over what the liberal, (in sense of being freely applied), misinformation, disinformation, omissions, lies are capable of. Is it not interesting how the same cabal would like to cover their actions by saying, it’s the other guy .
      All of that done voluntarily, without government dicktat (sic), though full 100% support of the current so called ‘Democrat’ governament.

      1. nazi Joe was truly a modern day pioneer with the stuff. freely admitted same. used the word liberally (pun intended). later of course subsequent state information experts avoided the truth that being they knew it was all massaged information.

    2. Yes, people got jaded over his bad car company and the bad cars it produces so they moved on. Elon doubled down on tribalism with a reversed direction and will pay the price for that, as well as his lame ‘We, Robot’ event. And Twi-sorry, ‘X’. He should really just bail on these disasters and put it all in space and Neuralink.

      1. @UnMe

        What is your estimated timeline for when Elon eventually becomes homeless and blames it all on his Trump support?

        Do you imagine the day that a desperate Elon Musk comes grovelling and begging you for $1.00 to buy himself a gas station coffee?

      2. soooooo onionme disputes the view expressed elsewhere that Elon knew the stock was going to slide post purchase but did it anyway, taking it on himself in order to rebuild promote a reliable source at huge personal cost.
        ‘peepull believe what they want to believe’

        1. “taking it on himself in order to rebuild promote a reliable source at huge personal cost.”

          It’s now a reliable source of para-nazi propaganda.

  5. My Dad woke me up at 3:30 Am (BC time), ~ mid to late ’60’s to watch a lift off from Cape Canaveral, (Friendship 7)….at the tender age of 7 or 8, watching it on a 12″ Black n White TV with rabbit ears, I’ve been a fan of space flight right through Gemini & Apollo & the Shuttle.

    This truly is a massive milestone in space flight Technology/Engineering.
    Absolutely INCREDIBLE..!!

    ADIOS NASA….your days are literally Numbered.

    1. Well Elon took a declining overrated social network that was losing users and renamed it something worse. I expect much the same or worse from another Turmp admin.

      1. @UnMe

        You sound angry that they won’t give you a job. Have you even tried?

        Why not send your CV to Elon and Trump, you never know they might see your brilliant idea’s and run with them……….Hope & Change.

          1. “Why would I work for demented psychopaths?”

            Because it might be less demented than spouting nonsense online to perfect strangers all day everyday?

        1. mebbe onionme was one of those sacked? ‘if so it explains everything’.
          soooo, what was your employee ID onion? a variation on 666?

      2. Correction: Musk RESCUED a Social Media platform that had become corrupted by Federal Govt. Spooks and hopelessly bloated with useless leftist employees who contributed nothing useful. And he got it OUT of the feces and tent covered streets of San Francisco … and OUT of the dying State of CA.

        Rescued. As in SAVED.

        Let me guess. UnMe mocks “X” … but went gaga over the odd symbol Prince substituted for his name


        1. No he didn’t. X is now losing users at the same rate as it was before Musk blew over 40 billion on it, and chased off the advertisers.

          1. Hey UnMe,

            I think I speak for the majority when I say:

            Go eat a bag of dicks.



      3. I gather you have conceded the election.

        The only thing that can salvage it for the Democrats is their announced intention to get 9 million expat votes from the 2.8 million eligible voters.

        If they can load all of these fake votes into the swing states – they do have a chance.

        1. Nate Silver (PBUH) has it just over 50-50 for Khamala.

          There is no evidence of any fake votes in any recent US election. Get over it.

  6. Evidence of intelligent order. Well done Elon and team in showing what the human mind can achieve!
    May each of us also glorify God in our heart today as we consider God who created us and the universe.

  7. Ok… NOW they’re just showing off!!!

    Absolutely incredible feat of flight engineering!!! The fine folks at Spacex have plenty to be proud of with this amazing accomplishment, and I’m sorry, but I can’t think of enough superlatives to describe how truly spectacular the outcome of this test was.

  8. Let’s see you do that NASA.
    Oh that’s right. You’re too busy spreading the lie of anthropogenic climate change.

  9. Just a day or so ago I heard some important Lefty ranting that Elon was stupid to build that tower. “It can’t possibly work!” he sez.

    But there it is, working…

    The biggest problem they’ve had with those booster stages is the landing gear. They tip over all the time. Solution, catch it with something. Beautiful.

  10. bottom line is Elon went from 3 first launches blowing up to this.
    my estimation they really REALLY plowed into the problems and rooted them out using calm thoroughness as inspired by the company owner.

    pay attention to this man, this is ye olde iceberg tip.

    1. Elon is a 999 on SDA for his clever response to government/ill-considered foray into ‘green’ vehicle technology, with public greenbacks.
      Tesla vehicles don’t have to compete with their own ICE/Hybrid lineup.

  11. Anyone else feel like this was a Wilbur and Orville moment? Re-useable inter-planetary rockets now? When does Elon build his version of the Enterprise? Clearly today was a HUGE step.

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